Sunday, June 14, 2015
It's Time to Fly
Tonight as I was driving home there was a bird in the middle of the road. The closer I got it wasn't even hopping or acting like it was going to fly away so I start slowing down as I am saying 'Fly! Have you forgotten you have wings?' It finally did and safely flew away but cue the squirrel moment music because my thinking process never makes things easy. So I thought how people are like that bird. We...or I at least get distracted, very easily. I get distracted by every day things, don't we all, but my focus on this particular thought was on a couple other things. Often times I've gotten my focus on past mistakes, failures (the shoulda, woulda, coulda's of life if you will) that the bigger obstacles that can really destroy me are upon me before I've even realized it and/or I'm so focused on these things that I don't see the escape, the grand things around me. I forget I can fly. Or maybe I even think I got more time. I got plenty of time to (insert what you like here) before I have to spread my wings and fly to safety, sometimes those things are closer than they appear and it's a close call to fly out of harms way. More than that those distractions that block our view, those lies that say we're not good enough, your wings can never take you to the journey to fulfill that dream you've carried around for years. That's all they are is lies to make you forget you have wings, to stop you from trying to fly. Great news those lies that weigh you down, that make you forget you have wings as much as they feel like it and the illusion they have created is just that, an illusion. We're kind of like a buterfly in that we have the learning stage(s) (being the caterpillar then the growing stage (build the cocoon) but to often this is where I stay to long because fear holds me back, distractions, and I'll be honest the lies (I'm not good enough, I can't do that, etc) but when I finally step, no break out of that cocoon something amazing happens. I discover I have wings and I can fly. Now a butterfly never knows the beauty of its wings, it can't see the intricate color or details on its wings but others can. Just like people can't always see the difference they make in others lives, how amazing they are, or how much they are loved. I don't know what my wings look like but it is always my hope and goal that I let everyone I meet or have contact with know they do matter and their wings are not only beautiful but they can fly. I ain't saying it's easy because I still have a lot of moments I struggle to believe I have wings (that I really can do these things I want to do, my dreams and such) but I'm having more days it's worth trying and seeing how these wings work, even if I only make it a little off the ground (a few steps in the right direction) it's closer than I was. I recently saw a quote that stated your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready. I hope you and I never spend to much time distracted or hiding due to lies, fears, etc that we don't realize our wings are ready because it's time to fly.
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