Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thankful...yesterday, today and tomorrow

November - the month of thankfulness and if you have a Facebook account you no doubt see friends that write something they are thankful for each day. About this time is usually when those begin to stop showing up for whatever reason. Considering what has been showing up lately in my newsfeed those days of thankfulness have been a welcome sight this year. I need as many happy, thank God there are still good people out there stories as I can to counter the banter, blame game and all of the negativity that if I'm honest sometimes feels like it's winning. I saw a picture recently that was about giving compliments to the stranger you pass (or even someone you know) because life can be difficult and people can be mean and you don't know just how much that compliment could mean to someone because you don't know what they are going through. I like to think I've made a difference, however small by doing this, but I can't say. I can however say I know this to be true because it has happened to me. Point being you just don't know what the stranger you pass or even your friend you're sitting next to is going through and it doesn't cost you a thing to give a compliment that could give them the encouragement or smile that has been eluding them. Tearing people down is easy. Take the game Jenga for example set the game up and with a quick push the blocks tumble to the floor but to set the game back up again it takes a little longer to get the blocks straightened out and stacked back up. People are like those blocks when they've been knocked down it can take a little while to get them stacked back up. So why be so quick to knock those blocks (people) down why not do everything we can to keep them standing. Maybe I'm wrong or weird or both and so much more but I just think now, perhaps more than ever, one should take that breath that you was going to knock someone down with and try to build someone up, to encourage them.

Now back to the days of thankfulness. I've decided to include a short list of my own of what I'm thankful for not only for the month of November but yesterday, today and every tomorrow I live to see. I'm thankful for everyone I've met and everyone that is in my life because each and everyone has helped me in some way whether you know it or ever realized it. Though at the time I'm not very thankful I am thankful and grateful for every storm I've went through because it helped me see that it is okay to open up and trust people, it helped and continues to help my faith grow stronger and thus far I have won every fight though I've not escaped all of them without some scars but that doesn't make me weak it just reminds me that with God, perseverance, and a few good friends this to shall pass. I'm thankful for those friends that somehow put up with me even when I tend to try to hide or just get lost and don't stay in contact with them as well as I probably should. I'm thankful for my health, job, food, home and all of the places I've been fortunate to travel to. I'm thankful for how much I've matured and grown over the years and for the opportunity to continue on this path for I may not know where all of the unseen turns are going to take me it's a ride some aren't fortunate enough to take or ride for as long as I have. So to everyone that has had a part in my journey I most sincerely thank you but most importantly I thank God.

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