Sunday, February 7, 2016

Winter Time Blues

I'm not a big fan of winter.  It, like everything else, has its positives and negatives. I tend to look at the seasons as a time to plant, a time to grow, time to reap and a time to rest. I also look at the seasons of life like that. I'm not always the most patient person and sometimes I, intentionally or not I'm not sure, tend to try to rush through life. I sometimes wonder if some of my life lessons that feel like I'm stuck in aren't just the only way to force me to slow down. By that I mostly mean my thoughts but sometimes to also literally make me slow down. After so many weeks of forced hibernation (it's not as fun when it's an only option) I start to get restless. The snow can be pretty but I long to see the leaves and the flowers blooming. I'm ready for some Technicolor if you will. Perhaps it could be a little bit more than that though. I believe I'm ready to see what could bloom in me if I'd just let it. I've had some things planted. They grew and some of those things I reaped but can I be honest, some of those things I didn't reap because I was afraid. Some things I didn't plant or take care of after I planted them like I should have so it wilted before I could reap what was sown. So you see sometimes I need that rest, that slow down so I remember to take the time to cultivate, nurture, prepare and wait (rest) to let what was planted grow in its time and let it bloom. That's where I sometimes fail. Just let the flower bloom. Because if I'd let this quiet, curly haired flower that wears glasses bloom I'd go places and make differences I can't even dream of. So don't rush through any season or get discouraged because flowers and even people bloom when they are supposed to if we give them enough time and light.

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