Monday, May 16, 2016

Find Rest My Soul

I sometimes tend to go stretches listening to the same songs, odd since I get tired of listening to the radio because they play the same two songs (and endless commercials with the exception of K-LOVE and Air-1) but I guess at least I get to pick the songs I'm listening to over and over. One of those songs is Find Rest by Francesca Battistelli I guess because I've been a bit restless and such....stuck I've felt stuck. One of those you're already in the pit trying to climb back up, maybe you've got to the top but you misstep and fall back down or are at the top but just need that little help to pull you all the way out. That particular song had a couple of lines that got stuck in my head (I think I should change the title to stuck at this point) and go figure they ended up being a reminder to me to keep pushing forward, climbing if you will, because obviously staying where I was at wasn't helping me any. I also had a light bulb moment and realized that I just found the title for the last thing I wrote which I also realized I hadn't shared on here and can't really break tradition now. So though I may not be completely out of that pit at least I'm not stuck and am almost out of that pit and as those couple lines that are stuck in my head from that song say find rest my soul put your hope in God (and keep an eye out for those people that show up with the encouragement, helping hand but don't quit climbing or give up if those people aren't around and never ever forget that you matter)...

Find Rest My Soul
By: April Donahue

I can see the hurt in your eyes
The emptiness you feel inside
So unsure of where to turn
And question the lesson to be learned

 You are feeling so broken
Fears and doubts left unspoken
Thinking you can't go another mile
But remember this is only a trial

You try to run and hide
As those same old lines
Keep running through your mind
Saying you don't belong but my child

Cast your worries
Rewrite your story
There is One who cares
Your burdens He will bare

For God understands your hurts
And knows your true worth
You are loved more than you know
Time to plant that seed and grow

Turn that page
This is a new day
Start a brand new chapter
Full of hope, joy, peace and laughter

So if your day is sunny or cloudy and gray
Keep fighting today and always
For the truth causes walls to shatter
And never ever forget that you matter

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