Thursday, March 10, 2016

Broken Chains

I've had this story posted before...well a version of it that I recently read again and decided I would try to rewrite it, even changed the title (cause you know I am terrible with titles). I think I'm okay with this version, I just probably shouldn't read it again or I'll find something that I'll think needs worded differently but there comes a time you have to say a story is finished and let it be or there could be nothing to the story but a bunch of words. In case you never read the original version or whatever the idea of this came from a lesson in a Sunday School class and it was to write a few sentences of what Barabbas may have thought that day and the wannabe writer in me couldn't let it go at a few sentences so a few days later I wrote the more in depth story and after a few changes and this final change this is what I wrote. It's not meant to add or take away from anything, ultimately the end is my story.

Broken Chains

I opened my eyes unsure of whether it was day or night. Truthfully, I wasn’t even sure what day it was. When thinking is all you have to pass the time by  what day it is doesn’t always matter. As I stood up the tug of the chains that had me bound reminded me quickly of where I was. How long had it been since I was thrown in this prison? It was then I overheard the guards talking. They mentioned something about Passover and how Pilate would often pardon one prisoner. In fact, he was doing so today.
    I wasn’t going to start planning my first day of freedom yet. Honestly, could anyone really set me free? There were more people happy to see me rotting away in this prison cell than ones ready to see me outside among them again. Sure I may have broken a law or two. I’d probably do it again but I’m not that bad of a person and I’m certain there are people enjoying their freedom that have broken as many and even worse laws. My thoughts were interrupted as the guards dragged me out of my cell. They said they were taking me to Pilate. Could it be that I may have a chance to be pardoned after all?
    I soon found myself standing in front of a large crowd of people. I almost wanted to ask the guards to take me back as the voices of the crowd grew louder shouting about the other prisoner I was now standing beside. As I listened more closely to the crowd I could hear them saying, ‘Crucify Him! Crucify Him!’ It sounded like a riot could break out any moment. I looked at the crowd then at this man beside me. They called him Jesus and were accusing him of serious crimes and were really wanting Him to pay with his life.
    Maybe I can start planning for my first day of freedom after all. Wait, I spoke to soon because it was then I heard Pilate ask the roaring crowd what evil had this Jesus done and wouldn’t they rather just release Him. Great, I’m so close to being free yet still so far from its grasp. Oddly Jesus remained silent throughout all of this. When Pilate asked the people who they wanted released to my surprise it was my name they called out. Pilate must not have believed it either because he repeated the question and again it was my name they shouted. I couldn’t believe it, I was going to be pardoned. I must admit I was a bit upset Pilate was trying to keep me imprisoned and let Jesus go. However, I began to think of what all I had heard about Jesus. There were talks of how he had fed thousands and had even healed people. As I was thinking this I could still hear the crowd almost joyfully chanting ‘Crucify Him! Crucify Him!’ I then began to question why these people were so determined that Jesus shed his blood on a cross. Standing beside Jesus I found myself really seeing him. It was odd He was on the brink of being crucified yet He didn’t act mad or even try to get out of this. Here I was about to be released only because they hated the other guy more. I’d lived my whole life not really caring about any consequences my actions may have on my life or others. I’ve done wrong to so many yet I was walking away.
    Jesus acted like He was meant to be there. As if He was willing to die for someone He really loved. Whoever it is they must mean a lot to Him. That’s a strong love that’s willing to take the pain and agony of death by crucifixion. I wonder if they’ll appreciate it or even recognize what He’s doing? It was then I realized the guards were taking my chains off and began to push me away from Jesus and toward the crowd. As I stepped toward the angry people in the crowd I looked back at Jesus.
    I had a feeling that is still difficult to find the correct words to truly describe it but everything was finally sinking in on what had just occurred. I was trying my best to sort it out in my mind. Why in the world were they letting me go? There was no denying I was guilty of the crimes I had been sitting in that dingy cell for but what was Jesus really guilty of? Now these people were not even thinking or concerned that I was back on the streets living among them or that I could easily go back to my wicked ways. I should have been excited, or at the very least relieved, yet I still felt like a prisoner. I couldn’t help but ask myself why were they letting Jesus be beaten and crucified? He was dying for my crimes, for all of my sins. You may not believe me but it was as though He knew that too. That’s when I finally started understanding it all a little more. That was the reason Jesus didn’t speak up and defend himself, to say anything to get out of being punished by death. He really was not only dying for me but everyone. He did love me and care about me. When I understood and finally believed that, it was like I became a different person. I didn’t feel like a prisoner anymore, the chains were truly and finally coming unbound. All those chains of guilt, hate and even shame that I hadn’t even realized I was bound by were being removed.
    Some may remember that day as one that justice was served to Jesus, this man that supposedly broke the laws, but that’s not how I remember it. That day will forever be in my memory as the day Jesus, an innocent man and the Son of God, loved me enough to be crucified and I, the one that deserved that fate was set free…truly set free.

 I heard this song earlier today while listening to Pandora while working and thought I'd add it here just because it's a good song, I like it and well why not add it. 

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