Friday, March 4, 2016

Just a Number

As I was driving around today I got to thinking and if I'm honest I was thinking about weather or not to fully cross that line to frustration. With what, you may ask, and am I glad you did! I was about to get frustrated....okay, I was at the very least bothered by the number I saw when I weighed this morning. Oh, the number didn't go up but it didn't go down either. I'm stuck....but that's not exactly what I want to focus on because you see in the end that number that showed up is just that...a number.

That number doesn't tell you anything about who I really am. It doesn't accurately or completely show the outer shell of my being. Somehow we to often see that number on the scale (now why that and diet aren't considered bad words is still beyond me) and I, and maybe you too, think that defines us. Like if we were to look ourselves up in the people dictionary all that would be there is that number. I don't think that number would even make it because as stated earlier it's just a number. Who I am is so much more than that number could come close to showing. It doesn't show how I can find the corniest jokes funny, my favorite book, color or movie.  It doesn't show how often I go walking in the woods to enjoy the sounds and sights or to clear the clutter in my head. It doesn't tell you about the amazing people in my life, doesn't tell you about my faith or about my dreams. No, it's just a number. One that the scale doesn't show, or accurately show, just how I have been more conscious of if I am eating cause I am hungry or bored and how I have been exercising.
But you see I got trapped in that lie earlier today, that lie that all that I am and who I am is all in that number. I started trying to figure out what was wrong with me, what more I could do to get that number down. I hate labels and here I was labeling myself based on a number. Oh, but I am so much more...and so are you. May we get the idea of the perfect number and size out of our minds and just be the perfectly imperfect person that makes us each who we are.

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