Sunday, November 6, 2016

Broken But Still Worthy

Bare with me if we're friends on Facebook you've seen part of this but I felt I needed to write more on it. If you've not read any of it yet still bare with me I had it in my head while driving on 68 how I wanted to write it but that's been a few hours ago now. Shall we begin?

This morning I dropped my phone for the who knows what number time now. This morning that fall put a crack on the screen of my phone to go along with the other crack that is in the upper left hand corner and the chips all around the edge of the phone. Yes, I am that clumsy. No worries it's not a fancy schmancy phone but I really do still try to take care of it. Now most would look at my phone and say it's ruined and ask when I was going to get another one. I'm learning a lot from this broken screen. By all accounts this phone shouldn't work it should be discarded but the phone does still work and it serves its purpose. Though it's broken it can definitely still be used. People are like that too. Somehow people will see others and how they are broken and count them out. You know what's bad is when we look at ourselves and see broken and unworthy, believing the lie we can never be used again (loved, whole, free, etc.). I can only speak for myself but maybe you can relate. I have spent most of my life thinking I was broken and unworthy. And I was broken and that's okay because broken pieces can be put back together, broken pieces can still be a masterpiece. What wasn't okay is believing the lie that I was/am unworthy and that I was unworthy because I was broken or not perfect. As I've stated I'm clumsy and growing up I had a little tea set, you guessed it, I broke the little plate the tea set sat on. It was glued back together but there was this little crack you could forever see on that plate. To most it wasn't perfect anymore, it was flawed, broken, unworthy. And to be honest I felt terrible every time I saw that plate (I guess it would be more like the tray) but now thinking about it that tray still served its purpose, it just had an added story to tell thanks to that place where it was put back together. I have some places where I've been put back together again, I have some places that I'm working on and/or still need to work on getting the pieces glued back together again. I spent most of my life either pretending I had the pieces together or putting them back together with lies (that whole unworthy, using fears as the glue, just trying to act perfect) but that glue hides the masterpiece it doesn't let the right light shine out from you or the right light in, it doesn't protect or hold you together like you are meant to be. There's a line from the song Loving My Jesus by Casting Crowns that states, 'sin tries to make you hide whispers that same old lie keep all your pain inside cause no one will understand...' That's the kind of glue I have used most of my life, still do sometimes if I'm honest. Later on in the song it stated, '...truth that has set me free is that I'm just a broken man...' And in the song it talks about showing his scars. It's funny to me that if we fall and get a scar we show it like a badge of honor but the scars we have from our own mistakes or that were caused by others we hide them. We think those make us to broken to ever be fixed, put back together again, usable again, we think we are forever unworthy now but that's a lie. There's a quote that states even a broken crayon can still color. The things that broke you, the things that broke me they may have tried to destroy us, may still be trying to destroy us but it doesn't make us unworthy. It makes us stronger and will help us help others. It's not easy and it takes help (and above all else God) to get the pieces put back together, for some pieces to even be found again. I'm thankful I'm getting my pieces put back together, I'm thankful for what some may see as cracks in my pieces put back together and some may even only see broken but I see so much more. I see someone that held on to hope when I thought for sure I had no hope or faith left. I see someone that tries to hide behind walls but there are people and God that sees someone that matters and tries to help tear the walls down. I see an imperfect person that is loved and forgiven by a perfect God. I see someone that is broken and may have a few scars and cracks but is still worthy. And if you're reading this I hope you know and always remember that no matter how broken you or the world says you are that you matter, you are important and you are worthy.

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