Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I think the calender is wrong and today is really Monday because it feels more like it then Tuesday. Thankfully yesterday didn't feel like Monday since it went by really fast and for once I got a lot done, I'm not sure I could handle two days in a row that felt like Monday. It already feels like it could be a really long week. Of course, I guess one day I'll learn that constantly looking at the calender won't make the days go by faster, just like looking at my watch every five seconds doesn't make the time pass by quickly. It's odd how some days I see that already a week has past in this month and think this year is flying by then at other times it feels like I've hit this hidden wall in time and it's in slow motion. Maybe it seems to be dragging by because I have a lot of stuff to do this month and next that I'm really excited and looking forward to. Maybe God is just having a boring day and messing with how fast, or slow in my case, time is going by. I would definitely do it if I had that ability!

Now for my really random thought, I was getting ready to change my Pandora station cause it was playing a song I just wasn't in the mood to hear and I got a glimpse of the cover art from the album the song was on and there are no words for it really. Have you ever seen a cover for an album/CD that was like that? Those that really have no rhyme or reason for the picture that you can't help but stare at even though you don't want to. I guess that's the point but at least some of them are really cool or at the very least a nice picture of the artist. Whereas, there are a select few that all you can do is have a quizzical look on your face while trying to figure out where they was going with that.

1 comment:

  1. I once saw a link that featured the Forty Worst Album Covers of all time...some of them are pretty heinous! And with more music being released all the time, you can rest assured more bad covers are forthcoming :D
