Thursday, April 24, 2014

Plot Twist

Plot twists can sometimes be very predictable in books and movies but the same can't always be said when those twists show up in this story called life. Predictable or not, real or fiction, these unforeseen scenarios are often at first seen as a bad thing that is just going to ruin the whole story. With books and/or movies it can be easier to deal with the twists because, at least for me, if I don't like it I just do my own rewrite and have it turn out the way I wanted and am certain would've been better! Granted not all of these turns in the story are bad and it is quickly seen that this is going to make the story better but sometimes it looks like a terrible thing until you start to look back and realize that was needed and helped the story. This is very true when it comes to the plot twists in life. I'm one that when something happens, be it good or bad, I play ever single possible scenario that my brain can think of and to often when something unexpected shows up I will panic and for a brief moment think this is just going to end terrible (and by brief I sometimes mean long after I've made it through the scenario and am looking back and seeing how it worked for the best).  However, I recently had an epiphany in realizing that 1) I have spent way to many years not giving myself enough credit at just how strong willed and how much I truly am capable of doing and 2) that my outcome of these sudden curves in the road and me making the turn without wrecking greatly depends on my initial reaction, which is usually panic, fear and run when it should be maybe a little panic but mostly reassuring myself that it's just a small detour that doesn't mean it's the end of everything. Another thing that I was thinking upon recently is how so often we see other peoples lives and we wish our lives were like that. I have also spent time doing that until something struck me that I honestly  hadn't ever really thought of. I had thought that it was kind of ridiculous to think that because nothing is ever exactly 100% as it seems especially if it seems to good to be true. However, for some reason I hadn't really thought about how it was a waste of time wishing this because if I had that persons characteristics and/or possessions it still wouldn't fix what I wanted changed about me and I would soon end up not being me. Now there are plenty of things I want/need to change about myself but faults and all I am who I am for a reason, do I fully understand that reason, no and I may never. I do understand though that without me being me and taking the routes, with just as many right and wrong turns, it has placed all of the right people in my life and if I'm perfectly honest I like who I am, quirks and all. As e.e. cummings said, 'It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.' and I think I'm finally ready to grow up and be that person.

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