Friday, April 11, 2014

What If Syndrome

This has been sitting in draft mode for weeks now. I can't quite figure out what I want to write so I've just let it sit here until I could maybe decide what I wanted to write. I still don't really know but figured it was time to post something, just to get this poor post out of draft mode.

You know if there isn't something called the 'what if syndrome,' there definitely should be because that is what I'm having right now and I'm not a big fan of it to be honest.What is what if syndrome you ask, well here are my symptoms:
  • when thinking of something new/different want to do I suddenly create many different what if scenarios, mainly things that could go wrong
  • have anxiety due to things that could go wrong
  • stay so long in what if zone that I never get to actually try new/different thing wanted to do
That's just the ones I could think of but you get the idea. If you could get frequent visitor miles for getting stuck in what if zone I would be sitting on a gold mine of mile points. I unfortunately tend to get stuck here more than I want but I have finally gotten good at figuring out I am stuck here and am getting where I'm not as afraid to dig my way out of that rut and back on the right track. The thing I'm realizing is when I get in my what if's I am now in the danger zone of to much fear, just like you can have to much of any emotion at one time. When this happens the emotions become the puppeteer and I'm taken on a trip where I've given complete control to my emotions. My fear has control of me and has covered up my eyes so now I can't see that I'm within distance of realizing my new dream, that the walk to the finish line isn't near as complicated as that darkness that I can only see because the fear has blinded me. Emotions are needed and are very helpful until they become the puppeteer and control every step we take or many times don't take. It can be difficult but I got to remember I'm the puppeteer over my emotions and actions and only me. I can't give that responsibility to no one else nor can I let my emotions take control because they will freeze me in my steps or potentially take me where I don't want to go, like getting that dreaded what if syndrome. Easier said than done often times but I figure you got to keep on keeping on. To many times in my life I've gotten so focused on how many times I've fallen down and messed up but forget that I'm still a winner because the number of times I've gotten back up is more than the times I've fallen. Here's to us all becoming out own puppeteer instead of our emotions, society or any other thing that blinds us and holds us back from being who we are and fulfilling those dreams.

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