Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Letters to Me

I can't sleep. I have way to much on my mind with way to many tabs open in my brain. So here I am writing. Rambling. It's probably a repeat rambling too. Not even sure why I am sharing this one but I got it all wrote out so I guess I might as well. I've been slacking on writing anyway so at least it will be something.

You know how people often say if I could go back I would change so and so decision that I made or something like that? I got thinking about that tonight, actually been thinking about that for a while. I don't ever under any circumstances want to go back even if it ever did become possible. Nope, don't you dare make me. I would however send a letter to younger me if possible just cause younger me likes to get letters/cards too and I might would pay attention to that. I would specifically like to have a letter sent to me at six years old and 17 years old. Each one would be slightly different.

For example the letter to six year old me would go something like this:

Dear April,
I know you don't really understand what is going on right now and are trying to figure it out to make some kind of sense. It will never make perfect sense and that's going to be okay and you know what so are you. I need you to remember that God doesn't hate you and is in fact with you and is going to get you through some pretty rough nights and moments - it just may take you many years to fully understand this. Please remember that it is going to be okay and you are tough, you will make it through this.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you

Then at 17 years old my letter would go something like this:

Dear April,
Congratulations you have made it to your senior year of high school almost survived. That's awesome, I hope you are proud of yourself because you should be. I need to give you a little warning it's going to be a difficult year for you but please remember you are strong, so much stronger then you give yourself credit for. For many, many years, potentially for the rest of your life you are going to think of your senior year as the worst year of your life because you see for three months you will see your grandma fight her hardest fight against cancer and she gave it her all but from this side it looks like the cancer won and you are going to have to say see you later to your grandma - I won't lie it's going to be the hardest thing you will have to do. I'm going to warn you too that at this time you are going to have to fight really, really hard cause you will have some massive lies and fears coming your way and it will even look like they are going to win but you hold on okay, hold on with everything you got because although the lies are going to say just give up, you would be better off dead you have some awesome things to look forward to. Can I tell you a few things? By now you have fought really hard with feeling alone and that you aren't worthy and that you don't matter - keep fighting against those lies and fears. Because you aren't alone God is always there with you (it's true and one day you do start to fully grasp this) and on top of that God is going to send some amazing people in your life. Please always remember that you are an overcomer and you will overcome these battles that have and will try to destroy you, you are going to accomplish some goals that you never even dreamed of because you was to afraid to, you're going to fall and that's okay because you're going to get back up each time, you're going to cry a lot I will just let you know now you are a crier but that's okay, you may want to get used to people saying you are quiet and always be ready to spell your last name. Now by now you have got some really high walls built up it's going to be awhile longer but you will get to tear those walls down - it's a good thing, I promise. In a few months you're going to be really angry with God and think you aren't going to ever have anyone in your life to even get a hug from and feel really alone but I promise it gets better. You are going to meet someone that will take you under their wings and help you a lot, they will become more like family. And you are going to get to meet some cousins that will also help you tremendously. Now it's going to be an interesting roller coaster of a ride one that you will wish for it to permanently stop a few times. Keep fighting here okay. And you even get to talk to your brother, I know you won't believe it when it happens either. As I write this that's about all I know of that but it's a major step forward. Now, are you still wondering about the question you have been asking since you was six? I know you are and can I tell you the answer - yes...yes you will get to know what it is like to have a mother's love and influence and God will even send someone that you get to call mom and you are going to meet people that will adopt you into their family and come to mean so very much to you. See you got so very much ahead of you, more than I even realize as I write this to send to you. So it's going to be difficult but you are strong and you will hang in there and fight like hell to overcome it. Because you got a story to share one that though you don't think it matters it is going to - it always has and it always will. You may not see it now and it may take a long time but you're going to laugh like you ain't laughed and you're going to get a lot of hugs and even get to where you can give hugs. So you keep fighting because you are going to do some amazing things. Don't you ever give up okay?
You still wouldn't believe me if I told you.

I guess that's why we can't go back or send letters because we wouldn't believe what we told our younger selves at all, at least I wouldn't. But you know I am glad I can take a quick trip and look back at how far I have made it. I may still have a lot to work on but thank God I am not where I used to be. And I am so thankful for the people that are in my life that have and continue to be there for me and help me. I'm so glad I am realizing it's okay to let people in. I'm thankful for the scars and the wear and tear from carrying loads that we're never mine to carry because though it has been and some days continues to be a hard fight it is also a reminder that I am stronger then I think and I am a fighter. No I'm a warrior. And though the giant has thought he has defeated me for good several times I will not quit, I will not give up, I will have the victory.

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