Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Watch Your Step

Let's not waste to much time with an oh this may be a good post opening paragraph to get you to maybe keep reading. You got your water, maybe some snacks and a map

Watch your step.

Last weekend I went walking on a trail I'd never been on and it was rated as moderately difficult. To be honest I know my limits but also have not so good confidence in myself so generally I automatically avoid moderate or higher rated trails. Although one should never really do that because you then automatically limit yourself and never get to grow, never get stronger, miss out on seeing some amazing views, and never really get a change of view cause your stuck on the same trails and same views - or the same lies and the same fears and you don't get where you are most definitely able and meant to be at.

Watch your step.

I'm walking it starts out not so bad. Then I get to the top of one trail and I could go back the same way I came or according to the map on my app I can make a loop and not have to repeat a whole lot of what I just walked. So I keep walking forward. Get to another intersection and if I went straight it said it would be 2.5 miles to the road whereas the other way was 3 so I think I'll keep going straight save a little length in what I have to walk. I get down this hill and something keeps telling me this isn't right. So I finally look at the map again (I know would have been smart to do that first but I wouldn't have my fantastic point to make if you give me just a minute) I then realize I can get to my car if I keep going but it will take me way longer than 2 miles to get to it and I should have went to the one that was 3 miles to the road. So I go back up the hill to the intersection and get on the trail I should have taken. All the while I've been tripping on roots, having to stop, trying to force myself to keep going, questioning why I decided on this trail, questioning could I make it, and drinking lots of water to the point of being on my last bottle by the time I get to the car. Ready to hear the rambling thought I got and until now only shared with one person from walking this trail.

Watch your step

Trails remind me a lot of trials in life. One could argue the only difference is you step out knowing your going on a trail sometimes we wake up in the morning not knowing we may be about to step into one of the most difficult trails we've had to face or perhaps one of the most rewarding or perhaps both if we just don't give up walking the trail.

I'm just naturally a clumsy person. I will walk into stuff and trip over roots even when I see them and try to step over but to be honest many times I don't even see them. And to be honest when walking on the trail at some point I was just so tired I didn't see them but had I I'm not sure I would've had it in me to go ahead and pick up my foot to miss the root. Trials are like that sometimes. They either trip us up before we see them or sometimes we've been in one so long we're so tired we just can't quite get over this root that's trying to trip us up.

The elevation changed quite a bit on this trail so you'd have to go up a hill level out go down a hill back up a hill so on and so forth. Also like a trial in life sometimes it feels like it's more up hill than not. When I had to go back to get on the trail I should have taken I hadn't seen anyone in awhile and I finally saw two women and a man. One of the women asked if they was getting close to the intersection and I said oh yeah I just go on this trail not far back at all. I'm a slow walker so I know it's a joke that you always tell people oh you're almost there even when they could be far, far away. I promise if you meet me on a trail and I say I just got on the trail I did I don't make progress very fast and that's in life and on the trail. So I asked them I said how rough is this trail. The man answered and said oh it's pretty rough but once you get on the other side it's not to bad. I never reached the other side he was talking about! First I appreciate that mans honesty cause if I'm honest had he said it was easy not far on that trail my state would have been I wish I was in as good a shape that man was in to say this was easy and quite possibly calling him a liar such as it was I several times said I appreciate your honesty sir and am I getting close to this other side.

Trials in life are like that part in that sometimes we meet people on our trials and I think they are there to remind us how far we got to go, how rough it may be or just for little moment of time to not feel alone.

On this really rough part of the trail I was about to give up giving myself down the road and I also according to the map should be getting close to the meeting of the trail I started on but the trail was getting harder and almost seemed to disappear and thus I was getting afraid I was lost. I knew I couldn't turn around and go back the way I had come I didn't have it in me to make it that way, I didn't even want to go back to where I had been. I knew I needed to trust myself and calm down that I wasn't really lost I just needed to have a little confidence in myself. And I needed to sit and rest. At least once in trying to get up one of those never ending hills y'all I got out of breath cause I am out of shape! So I tried to make myself going to get to the top of the hill and made it a few times and some times I just had to stop because wearing myself out and essentially hurting myself to beat some unimaginable time frame wasn't doing myself any good.

Ultimately I realized I wasn't lost that was the fear talking and I made it to the trail I had originally started on and there was a tree and I sit there leaned against that tree as others walked on by and my little timer on my app kept on ticking by.

Trials in life are like that we think we have to get through a trial by a certain time or we've failed or we're a failure as we see people walking on by completing there trial. Not true my friend. Just like there is no time frame on grieving the lost of a loved on there is no time frame on getting through a trial. Some no doubt talked about me sitting there at that tree. Some will talk about you for the times you sit or the time you take to get through a trial. Let them talk but don't you dare listen to what they say in those moments because you know what I've learned sometimes I get my answer in the sitting not the walking and sometimes I get to meet the best people in the sitting and honestly I know they've helped me but just maybe we've helped each other. In the sitting I caught my breath but I also go to catch a view or two.

Because you see I think we're afraid to stop thinking we'll take to long or miss something or be seen taking a break and be talked about. Here's something else I think - see in that walk I made the statement it's a good thing I"m by myself or I'd slow people down. See even in trials we're afraid to accept help because we will slow someone down or will be a bother. Can I tell you something that hit me hard when I got to the car and I was sharing this part with someone. Be it walking on a trail or in a trial in life if someone comes in your path and they offer to help can I challenge myself and you to not say oh no I'll just slow you down you go on but instead say okay. Listen I know that's going to be hard for me I'm used to doing stuff on my own be it walking a trail or a trial in life. It's what I've had to do most of my life for various circumstances to the point that in life I got to the point I have said I won't let no one I'm not letting someone say I wouldn't have this or made it if they hadn't sacrificed their time or done this and hold it over me and the times I did try to ask for help I was met with broken promises and by myself. So please understand I know how hard this is. But there have been a few times that there are people that have shown me they will walk this with me. Now I understand we got to walk it and do our part but we don't have to walk it alone all the way. So if someone asks to walk with you don't say no it will just slow you down because who are we to say that that slow down isn't exactly what that person needs maybe they need to slow down and take in the view themselves and maybe in that slow down you all will build a friendship that you didn't even know you needed. We're in  to big of a hurry to say no I'm fine when sometimes we just need to sit with that person and find out we're not fine and that's okay and to share encouragement or you know what sometimes even a kick to say hey time to get up it's time you see the view that has evaded you for long enough.

Watch your step

In short don't get in such a hurry of getting through a trial at a certain time frame or beat your self up for the things you trip over on your trial. A shortcut to save you some time doesn't always mean it's the right turn. The hills aren't easy nor fun to climb. You're going to get tired, hurt, dirty and might be on your last bottle of water when you get to the car or end of your trial. Don't be afraid to take a turn or the long way. Don't forget to stop to catch your breath and to just take in the view of that pretty flower or oddly shaped rock. Accept help when you need it and give that help forward every chance you can. Don't let fear stop you. And even if you get lost just turn around and get back where you know you can get your footing back or just stop and check every lie and fear that is coming at you to make sure did I mess up or is this a trick to make me go back to the old ways.

Watch your step but you take that step and always enjoy the view and the time you have with those that are on the trial with you (and those that are testing you and not helping keep walking forward in the end you'll have distance from them and see it was all worth the view)

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