Friday, November 8, 2019

Island of Misfits

I thought I had written about this random thought before but I can't find it so I'm just going to go with I need to hear it again and thus potentially write it again.

Two of my favorite things about the animation of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was year after year seeing Yukon Cornelius and the toys on the Island of Misfit Toys. I absolutely love the spotted elephant and I always wanted to go the island because I felt like I would belong there. Yet I never understood why those toys was brought there. Each year they tried to convince me they belonged there because who wants a train with square wheels, or a Charlie-in-the-box, a spotted elephant, a water pistol that shoots jelly, a bird that I forgetting any, well you get the idea. And each year I would think but those things make you the best toys ever. Recently those toys and that island came to mind and like I do I got to over thinking and something came to mind.

To often we put ourselves on the Island of Misfits and we wait for so long thinking we won't ever get off the island and even that we don't deserve to get off the Island. When Hermey, Yukon and Rudolph crash into the island and realize what it is Hermey and Rudolph feel like they've finally found a place they can belong. Rudolph's feeling like he belongs is short lived because he feels like his nose that shines so bright will cause harm to those he has come to care about so he makes his way off by himself.

Oftentimes in life we get put on the Island of Misfits be it from something we went through, a cutting remark or two (or more) from someone that meant a lot to us or nowadays a troll on the internet, or many other reasons of things being said or done (or not done) that cause us to believe lies about ourselves. To many of us at one point, now or for entirely to long have probably felt unworthy, unchosen, like you don't belong, unlovable, maybe even a bother.

Sometimes we even feel like we have the wrong name. Charlie-in-the-box felt like he was a misfit because all Jack-in-the-boxes are supposed to be named Jack and who would want a Charlie-in-the-box. He thought his name is what made him what he was supposed to be. Why would anyone want a Charlie-in-the-box? To him it made no sense, no one has ever said oh I want a Charlie-in-the-box, he had to have the name Jack to be wanted to become who he was supposed to be. You may have a first name you hate and/or a last name that comes with a lot of baggage (those [insert last name] aren't anything but trouble, not a good one in the bunch). You may have even been given labels that have made you believe you aren't able to be who and/or what you want to be. Maybe you've been told you're to much or to little of something, been given the label of can't - sometimes we get told we can't be or do something so much we believe it so much that we don't ever even try cause why waste the time I can't do it anyway. What Charlie and many of us don't realize is our name is just part of us it doesn't define us. Charlie was the best and still to this date the only jack-in-the-box that I like. His name made him unique. He still was able to do exactly what he was meant to do and he was remembered more for it because he had a name that would be remembered. You may think you have the wrong name or even a name you hate don't let it keep you on the island because you have a name that deserves to be and will be remembered for the awesome thing(s) that make you who you are. And those labels that was put on you that aren't who you are how about you and I both start making an effort to mark those out and replace them one by one with labels of who we really are and what if we try one more time or for the first time in a long time to do that thing that's been on your heart for a long time.

Sometimes we are put on a shelf for so long that we feel forgotten, unworthy and unlovable. Many argue that the doll doesn't belong on the island but what makes her feel like a misfit isn't seen with the eye. So many of us are walking around with things that make us feel like a misfit that we cover with smiles, laughs and an I'm okay. Some of us in some way, shape, or form have had things happen to us that have made us feel rejected, abandoned, forgotten, unworthy, undeserving and/or unlovable. We have situations, illnesses that effect us and give us challenges that not everyone sees or understands, and we just feel like a misfit put on a shelf and forgotten about. For those in our lives that have struggles from things that have happened to them or from illnesses that cause challenges may we show and give them a little patience and extra love and whatever else they may need (each person has different individual needs, concerns, etc.). And perhaps you're like me and are backwards and unsure what to do for those people in your life to you maybe reach out and explain or say this is where you are now can you do or not do X,Y,Z....sometimes we all get in a hurry in this rat race of a life and maybe don't realize we are leaving you behind or doing something that is making things more difficult for you. And may we always find time to be there for those that are in our life and may we always have someone there for us when we need it. I say this so much but we truly don't know what a simple message of praying for you, love you, thank you, how are you, you're not alone, etc can truly mean and help someone. It doesn't take an all day thing or lots of money to take someone off the shelf and remind them they matter and be there.

With Rudolph he found a friend in Hermey and Yukon and truly loved them so much so that when his nose shone bright he felt like he was a bother and was going to cause them harm by unintentionally bringing the abominable snowman right to their door. So he left on his own, not telling anyone where exactly he was heading and felt he was safer by himself. At least this way he wouldn't be a bother. Me personally, I am notorious for feeling like I'm a bother to people and I have gotten so used to just doing things for myself by myself that I'm not the best at accepting or even asking for help. I'm not even good at understanding the concept of it's good to visit and I'm not a bother at visiting or spending time with people. It's a learning process for me so if you personally know me and I do this to you it's nothing personal at all and I do sincerely apologize I'm probably thinking I'm being a bother so I'm trying to step back - I'll be back or you can say what are you doing get back here if you see fit. Sometimes people think they are protecting others and/or themselves by going away and not being as present as they really want to be because they don't want to be a bother they don't want the abominable to find you cause of them. Sometimes people think they are a bother or are going to interfere and cause trouble even with other relationships and friendships you have and sometimes people may feel threatened by those other friendships and relationships so some to keep peace they think the best is to just step back or go away to try to keep peace but there's room and love for all kinds of different friendships and relationships and we need them all. And don't ever think you're a bother cause your nose shines bright and you are there or say thank you or love you to much (some days we need that more than we ever let anyone know) Don't hide or run away because you think you are a bother I promise nine times out of ten you aren't being a bother and you know what just ask - cause I have found that that jerk of a voice in my head loves to lie to me and make me think I'm to much or a bother or whatever so just ask and that way when you find out no you're not a bother then you have some fight back the next time that lie comes back again.

Lastly, one has to mention Yukon Cornelius he is the kind of person you want in your corner and the kind of person I hope to be in others corner. He didn't conform to what others said you needed or had to be or had to like. He was there for Hermey and Rudolph and I think he helped them see so much in themselves. Hermey and Yukon never stopped looking for Rudolph.

May we never stop looking be it for gold, silver, or that friend that seems to think they are a misfit and just don't belong and may we never ever fall in the trap that because we are different or have a defect based on the world that we don't belong or matter.The ones that was labeled misfits were never misfits they was some of the best toys a kid could have ever gotten.

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