Thursday, February 13, 2020

Good Samaritan

We're all traveling on a road called life and we're all on the same yet different roads and in life circumstances happen that takes us on different roads meeting different people. On those roads we pass people and in those brief moments that's the only time we will see them this side of heaven and sometimes we meet people that become a part of our journey be it for a season or the very few that are a lifetime.

Sometimes we find people on these roads in a mess, sometimes we've got found on the road in a mess. Robbed, stripped, beaten and left for dead. Oh I don't necessarily mean literally but oftentimes there have been circumstances that have happened to us that have robbed us of joy, hope, peace. Stripped us of trust, comfort and beaten us so bad we don't think we can forward and are left there for dead.

In Luke 10: 30-37 you'll read of a traveler that was robbed, stripped, beaten and left for dead on the road. By chance a priest walked by....and kept walking. Then a Levite walked by...and kept walking. But a certain Samaritan came where he was and was moved with compassion and came to the traveler bound his wounds, set him on his animal taking him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he gave the host money to cover the costs and told the host whatever you spend beyond this I will repay upon my return.

I love how this one translation writes it as by chance a priest walked by, then the Levite then it changes it to but a certain Samaritan came where he was. We can put down the priest and the Levite and some will focus on the title priest and knock the church and whatnot. I'm not here to do that. I want to say a couple things. First, sometimes in life and our walk we have certain people that we think will surely be there for us, to come when we've been left for dead and we see them coming but they walk on by. Sometimes maybe because they don't know be it you got that good of a poker face or they just don't see it. Then you have others that you know well or just in passing and to be honest sometimes people want to us fall and fail and not make it for whatever of the many reasons that may be.

I once heard my (real) mom, in what was actually the first time I ever saw her, once say nothing in life just so happens, no coincidences, it's all God - even when we don't understand or see how it's all going to work out. They all 'by chance' walked by that traveler that day but a certain one was sent for that traveler. You can go through stuff and think well you are so and so you should stop why didn't you stop but I promise you there is a certain one that is meant to stop and help. Now for me and my beliefs and trust me it has taken me a long time to fully believe and understand that this does indeed apply to me but I know that God is always with me and never forsakes me. Does that mean that bad stuff will never happen to me? No. Does that mean that God is a terrible unloving God? No. In trying not to get into to much of my story I have felt alone for a majority of my walk in this road called life, I have had to face stuff on my own, pick myself up and walk best I could figure out - now I know what you're thinking I just said I know God is with me and never forsakes me. From certain circumstances in life that left me robbed, stripped, beaten and left for dead they left me thinking God hated me, that I was unworthy and unlovable and unwanted because if a certain person in my life up and left me, literally dropping me out of their life and others doing the same well I stayed on that road beaten, robbed, stripped, dying for a long time. In that time I faced stuff on my own because I wouldn't dare let anyone in and also because I never felt like I had anyone that I could go to, no one that came to me. But thanks be to God that I found out God loves me a mess like me and wants me and thanks to God that later in my adult life God sent certain people in my life. Those people that I won't name here but I pray I've thanked you enough and shown my gratefulness to you in person. But those people they saw me in the road and I'll always believe and know that God answered my prayer and they are my family. They took the time to help heal the wounds, they help me to see who I really am, they've taken me in to their home and let me rest and are okay that I call it my home now. They spend time with me, I get to laugh and have joy and peace and comfort and love. I have a home and a family.

I say that to say this we're not meant to or even able to save everyone we pass on this road called life that needs help. But I firmly believe that there are those in our paths that we are that travelers certain person that is meant to stop and help. To often we think it is going to take a long time, a lot of money and such to help. Or maybe you're like me and afraid to let people in. It's okay to but you take the steps you need to take to feel comfortable doing that and don't you let no one knock you for how long or the stride in those steps. Now back to the helping you see sometimes the bandaging of the wounds is as simple as a hug, including someone, saying thank you I appreciate you, or an I love you or just sitting with them while they are going through something. Sometimes the picking them up or taking them to an inn is spending time with them even if just sitting at the house just being there making them feel wanted. For me my biggest struggle now is feeling like a burden and I wonder if that traveler in any moment felt like a burden. He shouldn't have, I shouldn't and nor should you if you ever do. We're not a burden because God sent those people in our lives and no matter what your mind or mine is telling us they want us in their life. Because those lifetime people in your life God knits them in your life they ain't going no where. Those people that cross the road, dress your wounds, take you in they're not worrying about how dirty they get while picking you up and being there for you, they're not worried about recognition, they are just that certain ones that God sent along the way to be the ones that you've needed in your walk and to keep you company and encourage you and make sure you know that you're not alone.

So if you see someone along the road that looks beaten, robbed, stripped and left for dead and you have that inkling in your heart that you need to cross the road my prayer is that you listen and be it just sending a text, sitting with someone during a hard time, or whatever it is on your heart that needs to be done - no matter how small, simple or silly it may sound - I pray you do it today because that person may be the one that God is knitting in your life to be the mom, pop or child or friend that you've longed for for many years that will walk this road with you and help you. And if you're on the side of the road I pray that you don't give up that you know that there is a certain person(s) coming along that will stop and help and not leave (for those that God sends that are a lifetime, again some are just a season but those that are knitted in your life from God, don't be afraid to open up and let them in and let help it's okay). And may you know that God is always there and if you don't understand what you're going through, if it's hard talk to Him about it it's okay, you may find you pray that prayer that sends along the person(s) you've needed. Happened for me.

Time to go walking. Maybe we'll cross paths and if I'm meant to stop and help this round I promise to do my best and if you stop I promise to be forever grateful.

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