Friday, January 18, 2013


There's a couple lines in a song that says 'I just feel like something good is about to happen, I just feel like something good is on its way...' Well I'm not sure if something good is coming or not but I do feel like I'm changing. Kind of like how people do spring cleaning to get rid of the clutter in their house, well it's almost like I need to do some spring cleaning of things I keep around in my life and just change the way I look at things. Hmmm...I probably sound like I have officially lost it. I can't be the only one that has just felt like they aren't the same as they used to be. For example something as simple as TV shows and music I used to love, I'm finding myself not caring so much about it any more. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing because I'm getting where I want to listen to other kinds of music, not watch as much TV (with the exception of those older shows mentioned in last post) and best of all I'm finding my love for reading again. Now I'd much rather hole up in a room and read. Bad thing is I'm in a major rut and am finding myself so burnt out and not wanting to work. Hopefully a three day weekend will help fix that next week. I'm also hoping to get to go to the art studio my art teacher from high school has opened. If I do get to do that you can bet I'll be posting about that. Oh, that's another thing I've got where I doodle and want to draw more, granted I'm not good but it's something that kills time and seems to settle my nerves. At least I'm finding the old stuff I used to do and am enjoying it again and hopefully if I am changing and getting ready to go into another phase of my life it'll be a time for me to grow, have fun and just another road to becoming who I want to be.

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