Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What to write, that is the question....

I think I have hit a wall where I just can't think of anything to write, nothing is really going on in my life and when I do think of something I decide I really shouldn't write it because of fill-in-the-blank with an excuse. I had some people bring up some things about me and it's so funny how it's got me thinking when they are ways I use to describe myself all the time. For example, I was told I have interesting opinions and am random. I personally don't see how my opinions are interesting, I'm just like everyone else and have my beliefs and thoughts on subjects. My opinions are even subject to change on certain things, however there are some things I will stand firm on my opinion. I've yet to find anything to do about the randomness but it can entertain me so not really trying to hard to change that either. Of course it would be nice to not have so many random thoughts going on while trying to work. Someone once said I was awkward to which I responded I am so beyond awkward that I don't think there is a word for it. I don't really like the word awkward though, it is such a weird little word. I also don't like it when someone used the word backward to describe someone who is shy, especially if that someone is me. I guess it could be worse than people just seeing me as someone who is awkward, random and has interesting opinions.It should also be pointed out these people didn't say these things to be mean or anything it was said after I had made some statements of my own that they brought it up. As long as I'm not being cruel or treating people wrong I don't mind what peoples opinion is of me anyway because like it or not everyone that ever sees me is going to automatically form some kind of opinion of me.

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