Friday, December 13, 2013

Quiet Girl

I've accepted the fact that my mind works by having racing thoughts that hardly ever get completed before going to the next thought. What I haven't gotten used to is how sometimes based on what I'm thinking or just randomly I'll get an idea of something to write. Yesterday I was thinking of something a friend had told me, actually she has said this several times, and although I still don't believe it as it pertains to me it did get me thinking and suddenly I had a couple of lines that I had to write down. Normally this happens when I'm driving so it was nice that I was able to be where I could write it down as soon as it came to mind, even though I was supposed to be working. It wouldn't have stopped going in my head until I wrote it down. Anyway, even more rare is how quickly this came to me, usually it takes me days, weeks and some times never for anything to happen with these random ideas that I feel I need to write down. Mostly because I'm not a writer and the rest of that mostly is because I have to write what I know, whether it's what I'm going through now or have dealt with especially with my poems, writings, whatever you want to call them. I've heard of people writing letters to their younger selves and I would say this is my version of that to myself, not only younger self but me now. Also apparently I've read the quote 'Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you' by Dr. Seuss one to many times and I'm fairly certain it greatly influenced the last two lines. I guess I've rambled on enough so here is my latest attempt at writing,

Quiet Girl
By: April Donahue

To many she is just a quiet girl
Feels like she is on a tilt-o-whirl
Always watching the people rush on by
Trying to find her place in this life

Quiet girl don't you see your worth
Shake those fears and face this world
It's time for your quiet voice to be heard
Few or many so much is hidden in your words

Don't listen to those whispered lies
Quiet girl hold your head up high
Don't be afraid to show your smile
Take it all one step at a time

Quiet girl it's okay to be yourself
When others try to make you someone else
Never, ever forget the truth
You are you and there's nothing you can't do

And that picture is a glimpse into how thoughts really role around in my head and what I go through to even attempt to write anything, whether it's a poem or just something in a journal to clear my head. I wonder if every one that writes does that? Anyway, to all the quiet girls (and guys) out there I hope we one day, if you haven't already, realized our worth and what we have to offer the world.

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