Thursday, December 5, 2013

Where are you Christmas?

We're quickly approaching the Christmas holiday that seems to get more stressful and less joyful for people each year. It sometimes feels and seems like people get so wrapped up in outgifting and outspending others around them that they have completely forgotten that it's the thought that counts and makes the gift special not the price tag or what is inside the box. Or at least that's the way I see it. I've given people gifts and they'll have the look or say something in a round about way that you can tell they are thinking, 'Is this it? This is all you got me.' I can stress over what gift to get someone but not because of money or anything but because I want the person to obviously like what I get them but let it show that I listen to them and just pay attention to things they like to do or collect even if they only mentioned it briefly in a conversation and they thought it went unnoticed. Giving and helping others is my gift to not only the person but to myself which is why I hate when people ask me what I want. Rarely do I honestly have an idea what to even reply with but even if I do know something I want it's rare I'll ask someone for it, I just go ahead and get it myself. To be honest the best gifts I could get from others can't even be bought at a store. So if I had to make a Christmas list here is what it would be:
  1. A shoulder to lean on when I need to cry
  2. A hand to help me up when I've fallen
  3. Take time to listen to me
  4. A kind word to encourage me
  5. A stern word to get me back on track or set me straight when I am wrong
To me these are the true gifts that keep on giving all year long and mean more than anything that can be bought.  I don't want it to come across like I don't appreciate the actual gifts people do get for me because I most definitely do. I greatly appreciate the thought that people care enough to even think of me and I truly am one that believes it's the thought that counts I don't care what I am given on any gift giving occasion. While you ponder what the perfect gift is to get someone I think we all could use the reminder that sometimes the best gift can't be found in your local mall and if it did have a price tag on it I'm fairly certain it would just say priceless. It's not about how many boxes with bows are under the Christmas tree that makes it the perfect holiday but being surrounded with those you love and care about. It's very corny and cliche I admit but I also believe there is quite a degree of truth behind it. I personally hope I never lose the outlook of simple is better.

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