Friday, December 27, 2013

2013 it's been a fun ride....

I can't believe we are mere days away from 2013 officially being over and beginning a new year. I probably say this at the end of every year but this year has really went by fast. It's like I went to sleep and woke up to the year being gone. I was thinking about this year and what all I've got to do. Some of my plans that I had made didn't come to pass but that's okay there was some reason for that so I'll try to patiently wait and hope it happens soon. I didn't really get to go on a real vacation and travel like I love to this year but I had a job that I could take vacation days from and for that I'm thankful. I was able to somewhat tear some walls down and get closer to my friends and I got to spend time with them which is a huge step for me. I still have my family around and for that I am beyond thankful for. I didn't get to travel but I did get to go to some great concerts starting with Winter Jam (which me and my friends are already planning for in 2014!) and then I got to see Jo Dee Messina, Rhonda Vincent and Sara Evans, all of whom I was able to meet and get their autograph. I even got to talk to JDM and Rhonda Vincent. Although there wasn't really any major ups or downs (thank God for that) in 2013 it was a good year of growing and learning and just living. I don't really make any new year's resolutions because I break them before the first day is even over. I'm kind of at the point in my life that I just try to take life day by day and if I slip up and make a lot of mistakes on a day I make any necessary apologies, ask for forgiveness and think I got another chance to make it right make sure you make this one count. Maybe as I inch closer and closer to the big 3-0 I can continue to grow in wisdom and learn to love myself and others, forgive, let go and live. I guess if I was to make a new year's resolution that would be it. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what 2014 has in store, I believe or at the very least hope it is a year that I can grow and have new adventures. I look forward to being able to spend more time with my friends and family. I hope 2014 is a great year for all my friends, family, and whoever reads this (in case you don't fall in one of the first two categories and if you do then I'll just give you a double wish for a very happy new year and nothing but the best in 2014!)

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