Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Driving through a storm

I had a fantastic opening sentence and a half way decent idea to write about but that was while I was trying to sleep and I knew  by the time I turned on the light and got my journal the thought would have left and unfortunately it didn't stick around so I could remember it this morning so this is the not nearly as good first sentence you get to read. And now if you so choose to continue reading you are stuck with the current thoughts rolling around in my head. I've pretty much given up trying to figure out how I get what I get out of the things I see around me and just try to take it and put it in my file for when it will help me at a later date or help me figure out what I'm currently going through or even use it to help someone else out. Yesterday I needed to run an errand and I decided to do that right in the middle of a severe thunderstorm because that's just what great timing I tend to have. I love storms but hate driving in them. It was a good one to with the can't even see the lines in the road or a car in front of you kind of heavy rain, windy and even some hail. In hindsight and even at the moment I realized this was the perfect real life analogy of the way I've been feeling and such. So I'm driving hoping I'm on my side of the road and thinking boy I'll be glad when I've drove through this storm (and how many times does that not apply to those 'storms' in life). Well I made it to my destination fine get that over with and I'm driving somewhere else and as I'm going down the road on one side of me is clearing up the light from the sun reflecting on the remaining clouds is making a beautiful scene and then on the other side it's dark, cloudy, lightening, it just looks like it could come another bad storm any minute and here I am driving down the road right between the two of these scenes. Now at this point I had a well huh if that ain't a perfect real life scenario of how life can be. Bear with me I went somewhere with this, it still probably won't make sense, but still bear with me. Picture it: in the little car called life and driving down the road and you look to the side and see what could potentially be a bad storm coming your way, or perhaps you're driving in that bad storm right now. So you're attention gets drawn, as it naturally would, to the storm and all that could happen in it but you take a quick glance away from the storm and something catches your eye. You turn your attention to the other side of the road and you see a clearing, I don't know maybe you even see a bit of a rainbow (I feel like I just turned into Bob Ross talking about what we are going to paint, just don't forget to paint a friend for your tree!). Anyway, you see that if you keep going you'll get to that clearing eventually. Even though you may have to face a few more storms before you finally reach that clearing you do end up getting there. Yeah, from driving through a storm I got the thought of how easy it can be to focus more or even get lost in the storm but if you remember to look back to the road you may find you aren't that far off of the trail and above all else you may see that clearing and realize that with one simple turn or even just staying on the road you're on your way to that clearing and the view is totally worth the storm that you just drove through. Doesn't always make it any easier or fun to have to drive through those storms, the real or hypothetical ones, but it's the journey to our destination where the stories get written, learned and shared and sometimes it takes a storm to finish or start a story. Just like that storm I drove through yesterday I've made it through the other side and to the clearing on my most recent storm and many I've had to face in the past. I know I got many more to to drive through on this road called life but storms are needed to appreciate the sunny days. Sometimes it's the only way I can finally see the clearing because the darkest hour is just before the dawn.

There's no real reason to adding the video, I guess if you gave me enough time I could figure out a way how it somehow goes with this, but I just really like the song and wanted to add a video just because so that's what I did!

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