Thursday, February 12, 2015

Broken Pieces

The older I get the more I'm starting to understand and believe that the moment you want to give up is when you are closest to your goal. You ever just get an overload of discouragement and it seems that is the moment that you're brain nitpicks and notices every little thing (or even more so if you are sometimes like me and you're brain tends to do that on a regular basis). I'm finding out a lot about myself during these occasional bouts of discouragement that plagues us all at some point, after all it is during these times that one tends to find out the most about oneself and the depth of strength and courage they had hidden within them. Here's what I'm starting to think, I am a bunch of broken pieces put together. That by itself doesn't sound that grand, perhaps it even sounds depressing. However, the awesome thing, the thing no one really says, is that broken pieces can become a masterpiece. I've read that the Japanese will mend something that has broken with gold because they believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. How true this can be for a person. I think to often people get stuck on the fact that if/when they get the broken pieces put back together it won't be perfect, there will be lines (scars) seen but that's what makes it (you) beautiful and awe - inspiring, a true influence to perhaps others but most importantly yourself because it's proof that you can be broken but put back together and persevere. I guess that sounds super cheesy but it sometimes seems that we to often focus more and worry more about hiding the broken pieces and pretending everything is okay when sometimes it's not and that's perfectly okay because as not fun as bad days are they can be needed to help us grow and if nothing else appreciate the good days. You'll sometimes hear people say it feels like they take one step forward and two steps backwards and that is unbelievably frustrating but even with the steps backward you are still one step closer to where you want to be. Now it is at this time I am going to quote Alice from Alice in Wonderland because...I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. It is at these times that is great to have friends that will reiterate the advice you may have given yourself but convinced yourself that it is complete and utter nonsense but if you hear someone else say it then sometimes it clicks and sticks. And sometimes you just have to hit rock bottom before you can find your footing and start the climb back out and that's okay too. No shame in hitting rock bottom, just like it doesn't matter how many times you fall as long as you keep getting back up. It doesn't matter how you look when you cross that finish line it just matters that you cross it. You may cross that line with tattered clothes, hair in a mess, scrapes and bruises and think it is just a disgrace to cross it looking like that but that would be wrong. Here's how I see it if you cross that finish line looking like that you know what that means, it means you are a force not to be reckoned with because you found an inner strength and courage that most people give up looking for just when they are about to find it. You didn't quit no matter how many detours, road blocks or times you fell. Sometimes the one that starts out with seemingly all they need, or the loudest shout (even the best trash talk) are the first ones that turn around. However you look when you cross the finish line don't look at where the broken pieces are mended as flaws or hindrances  but as part of your story and what others may have once said was damaged or broken and could never be put back together you took and mended the pieces together and made into one amazing masterpiece that found strength and courage to keep going. People that keep going are the ones that endure and are the ones to watch out for cause they will go oh so very far. Long story made even longer by this matter what do your absolute best not to completely give up in the middle of your discouragement. Fall as many times as it takes but always, always get back up even if you have to sit there for a few minutes to get things better figured out. Just do not give up in the middle of your discouragement because just around the corner may be the person with the encouraging word or you find the answer yourself that you've long been searching for to get you that one step closer to your goal.

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