Friday, February 27, 2015

Do you ever...

I'm calling this particular post do you ever...because everything from here on out will be based on that statement. Why, I have no idea it popped in my head and I'm just going with it. To make sure you don't get tired of reading do you ever, I'll just type it once and you can add it if you want as you read it.

Do you ever... (or have you ever in the case of the first example)

...known someone that no matter what you say you have that person has it and it's worse (in the case of health) or they've already done it (in the case of everything else). I know someone that if you say you didn't sleep good well they only slept a few hours (always less than you did if you mention it) and same goes for if you say you don't feel good. I sometimes want to ask if they have the go-bloots from the booshoo bird just to see if they say they do or not. Or ask if they've ever had their zorch removed. (for the record both of those are references from the I Love Lucy episode, Lucy Fakes an Illness). I no doubt am guilty of doing this to some degree if I catch myself I try to make sure I stop myself from saying something to make my situation sound worse, whether it is or not. I guess some people say it to maybe let the person see they aren't the only one having to deal with it or maybe they are trying to get attention I don't know.

...reference what you thought was a well known expression or plot from a television show or movie only to realize that no one got it and often times just look at you with that I-have-no-idea-how-to-respond-to-that look. Or perhaps it is just an annoyed look that I am once again referencing a show/movie and at a time that was irrelevant. I do tend to reference older shows but it's fantastic when someone gets it, although it's funny to me even when no one gets it.

...just get really excited when you are scanning through radio stations and hear a song you haven't heard in a while or have been wanting to hear. That is the best. Or when you find a CD with a song you absolutely love. Kind of like finding a song you love and playing it on repeat to the point that it probably isn't considered normal.

...have one of those days where no song is fitting the mood you are in and it's quite frustrating because all you want to do is listen to music but each song just isn't the right one to listen to more than a few seconds.

...find it amazing how you can remember all of the lyrics (correct or not) from previously mentioned songs yet you can't remember where you just left your keys five minutes ago.

...feel like it's a gift giving holiday (your choice which one) when you unexpectedly find something you didn't even realize you had lost then wonder how important it really is you keep said object if you didn't even realize you had lost it. those moments when someone is trying to tell you a funny story or joke and they keep laughing so much you miss half of the story or the line that makes the punchline make sense but yet you still find yourself having a great laugh just by seeing the other person laughing.  Because a good, hearty, sincere laugh really is sometimes the best medicine. I love to be able to make people laugh (bonus points if you can when the person really isn't in the mood to laugh).

...notice how when you do something that you are sure will get a huge laugh crashes and doesn't get the reaction you think yet something you just do without thinking can often times get the biggest laugh and you are like what did I say or do that was so funny.

...wonder if this list will ever end this blog and think I just wasted those few minutes of my life. I will never get that time back, why did I do that and/or I am fairly certain I have already read something similar to this on here before. (I actually am wondering if I haven't written something similar to this before, probably multiple times)

On that note I believe this is a good place to end this because it's hurting my thinking trying to come up with anymore at this point even though I know somewhere hidden under all of those layers are many more examples.

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