Tuesday, May 20, 2014

This Post Has No Title....or does it?

You know how when people are around little kids they say something along the lines of, 'We have to be careful what we say around (insert name), (s)he is like a little sponge. They repeat everything you say or do.' I find it odd in a way how we are conscience of this around children but in reality does this ever really stop? I think as we get older we just get a bit more sneaky at how we absorb these things. I for one am apparently so sneaky at it that I don't even realize I have done so until I catch myself saying or doing something like I have seen from someone else. I am also known to frequently over use catch phrases I'll hear on my favorite television shows and most recently noticed I picked up a mannerism. So congratulations are in order for me for reaching the next level in my weirdness, or that sponge like absorption of what we see/hear never really does end, or both. It's great that people are conscience of it around children but really why should it stop there? If I don't want to say or act a certain way around a child why is it suddenly okay to say or do that thing around an adult? It seems a bad influence is a bad influence no matter the age of the person you are around. In my personal experience it has made me realize I really don't need to say that or act that way. It has often made me realize how often I do say or act a certain way. I guess why we're not so conscience of it around adults is we think they are grown they can act how they want and they aren't even paying attention anyway. Which is kind of true to a certain degree because it seems like so often as we grow it is even more about me, me, me at least until you mess up and then they notice and remember every detail! Those kinds of people are in a whole kind of different category of their own. I think the real problem, and where I tend to fail at, is not how I act when I know people are around and watching but instead how I am when I think no one is watching. I guess if you want to know a persons true character watch them when they think no one is watching them. I'm a person that tends to stay more in the background and observe and I do that with people a lot. In fact, I've learned a lot by doing this...good and bad examples of how to handle situations. There are at least two people that, whether they know it or not, have been great examples to me in what it truly means to have and keep your faith in very difficult circumstances and have just been very influential. Not to put them on a pedestal because they are human they are going to have bad days and just do those humany wumany things. I guess I'm just realizing how I have never really stopped absorbing things so maybe I should be a bit more responsible and conscience of what and how I act whether anyone is watching or not. Not to mention it gets exhausting trying to be 'normal' and hide ones weirdness and awkwardness! The great thing that I'm learning is that I can be me, the real me that I used to hide, and still be respectful around people. Being respectful, a good example doesn't mean you have to lose your identity or uniqueness, you can even still laugh and have fun.

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