Monday, July 28, 2014

Back to the real world

Vacations are funny. You spend a fair amount of time trying to find the right time to take off of work than hope you can actually get those days off. Then you spend time and money on the various things to do and places to stay while you’re there. I understand why staycations can be much better because generally when you get back from vacation you need a week to recuperate and you wonder if your vacation really did you any good. It is good to get away though. To make memories with people and to see a small portion of the beautiful things and places that are in this world. I actually learned a couple of things about myself on this vacation, which is kind of odd that I’m still learning stuff about myself. How is that even possible? Maybe it’s not so much that I didn’t know these things about me but that I’m better understanding what gets me to these places and why I think/act how I do in certain situations. I also learned on vacation that manners seem to be going out the window and people just don’t use them like they use to anymore. Not that I had to go on vacation to learn that. I also found out just how difficult it apparently is for people to hear me talk but part of that is because I’m use to just being by myself in the car and I don’t particularly talk very loud when I talk to myself. Okay, I don’t talk loud at all unless I’m really excited about something or apparently when I’m really aggravated. Another thing I realized was just how often I say sorry. Sometimes I say sorry because I do feel like I did something to apologize for and sometimes I think I say it when I really mean excuse me and more often times than not I probably say both when it probably isn’t necessary. I need to figure out how to share my extra manners to some of these people that have none. Anyway, one day while on vacation, I was walking on the beach and walking toward the water while this guy was walking from the right of me. You know those moments where you’re not sure which way the other person is going to go so you all won’t crash into each other? Well it turned in to that and you get that awkward which way do I go, which way do I go type dance going. So I hurriedly walked in front of him and apologized as I did so. He kind of chuckled and said, “Don’t be sorry. That’s a silly little thing to be sorry for.” As I continued walking toward the water I thought about what he said and a few things came to mind. The first being, well I’ll be he actually heard me! Then I thought you know he has a point and it was one of those moments when I really meant excuse me more than sorry. This is why I prefer to write instead of talk because it’s easier to take the time to say what I mean better and I can hit the escape button, or erase the wrong word, until I get it correctly saying what I want to imply. I may apologize a lot or say sorry when I mean excuse me and to be honest I could really beat myself up for it but I’m not because I’d rather apologize over silly things because then that means I can probably be more able to apologize for the big silly things too. Not to say that it bothered me that the guy said that. Again to be honest I’m so socially awkward I have no idea how to even take what he said except that I have really over thought the whole thing but then again that’s what I do and boy I do it well. Back to my main point, it’s nice to get away for a few days but I think my next trips on any long weekends I have off will be spent doing short road trips that I can be home the same day or just stay over night because usually those are the best kind of trips anyway.

To save a post I’m just going to add this random thought (or two) to this one. I may not have this whole talking business down and probably never will but apparently I have the face of someone that is easy to talk to and/or I am a better listener than I sometimes think I am because even strangers will come up to me and start conversation and will just tell me all kinds of stuff. Maybe it’s a common thing that happens to everyone. It really is amazing though what you find out about people if you just listen. Some goes in the I really didn't need to know that file but there are several times that I have learned so much from this happening. I always find it odd yet amazing how people will say something right when you need to hear it. Whether it's a simple thank you to something more but it's that exact something you really needed to hear. It really blows my mind when it either comes from a stranger or even if it is from someone you know but it is about something you hadn't even talked to anyone about. This example really doesn't fall into any of the previous categories but it is funny how something like rain and curly hair can start a conversation. So I was paying for my books I purchased at Half Priced Books and the cashier asks me if my hair is naturally curly and I tell her it is. I should also mention it had been and was still currently raining pretty much the whole day. So after I told her it was naturally curly she then proceeds to tell me that it looks really good for it to be raining and her hair just wasn’t and someone had suggested she use a certain product that works great on their curls but didn’t work for hers. So that was another conversation with a stranger I can add to my it all started because of my curly hair file!

To end this post here are a few of my favorite pictures I took while on vacation. It’s nice to see the ocean and different areas but at the end of the day just give me life in the country where I look out and see trees and hear the frogs, bugs and birds.

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