Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A step out of my comfort zone

Recently I was sitting at the house bored and I got a text from a friend. When I looked at it I saw that it was information about a poetry contest, The National Amateur Poetry Contest, to be exact. Now I've never entered anything I've ever written for any kind of contest. To be perfectly honest I spend way to much time wondering if I should even share it with a select few friends and even more time if I should post it on here and/or Facebook. So I replied with something along the line of that's cool may have to try to enter that. Now as soon as I hit send I thought I don't have anything good enough to send. However, the more I thought about it and after doing a quick search and read of the rules something very much unlike me happened. I thought what do I have to lose if I do enter it, providing I can find a poem that fits the rules. Besides if my friend took the time to send me the information and and apparently thinks my writings would be decent enough to send one than maybe, just maybe I should have as much confidence in my writing and step out of my comfort zone to see what happens. I'm fairly certain I've made up my mind on which poem I'm going to send in and will make my procrastinating self send that in within the next week or two. Although, I did recently see a quote that is funny because it is so true that went like this: with an introvert, you never have to worry that they'll make a rash decision. Good luck getting them to make any decision at all. But this time I have decided that I am for sure going to try my luck at this contest, if for nothing else but to finally say I entered something I wrote into a contest. It's a little step, but a step nonetheless, in a direction that will take me out of my comfort zone. Do I expect anything to come out of it? I'm not sure but I sure won't have a chance of saying I had the opportunity to have a poem published if I don't try. You don't know if you don't do so here I go doing something I'd normally run in the opposite direction from.

Update: Not that anyone that reads this probably cares but I didn't back out and have mailed in a poem to the contest. I ended up sending in my poem Quiet Girl because that one met the rules and that one means a lot to me. It just felt fitting to send that one in. I posted it on a blog months ago but here it is again, just because :)

Quiet Girl
By: April Donahue

To many she is just a quiet girl
Feels like she is on a tilt-o-whirl
Always watching the people rush on by
Trying to find her place in this life

Quiet girl don't you see your worth
Shake those fears and face this world
It's time for your quiet voice to be heard
Few or many so much is hidden in your words

Don't listen to those whispered lies
Quiet girl hold your head up high
Don't be afraid to show your smile
Take it all one step at a time

Quiet girl it's okay to be yourself
When others try to make you someone else
Never, ever forget the truth
You are you and there's nothing you can't do

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