Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Just A Thought...

 By now I'm sure everyone has heard of the tragic loss of Robin Williams. Be it a well known celebrity such as Mr. Williams or the person down the street it is a terrible loss and so sad when someone feels that this is the last hope of escaping the pain and torment that is caused by depression and/or other mental health problems or even other issues. It truly bothers me when tragedies like this happen and people can't find the decency in them to have an ounce of respect for the families of the person and will downplay the seriousness of suicide and what leads up to it. If someone wants to believe it's a cowardly way out, or no one can be that depressed well it's by all means your right to have that opinion but some opinions are best left unsaid especially during the time of a tragedy. With that being said I wholeheartedly disagree and would say so to anyone that has those types of opinions. It truly bothers me when people have this mindset because suicide is a very real problem. There's a saying that states treat everyone you see with kindness because you don't know what kind of battle they are facing. Just because one seems to have it all, or societies lies of what having it all is, or they have the biggest smile doesn't mean that they aren't facing something that could ultimately make them think there is only one way left to escape the pain and sorrow they are hiding. One hopes that everyone has at least one person they can go to and be able to talk to them when things get to overwhelming for them, or have someone you can just say please pray for me but that's not always the case.  If you don't please call help numbers such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and talk to someone because no matter how you may feel or what you may think you are special and mean a lot to those around you and it is worth fighting to make it another day.

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