Friday, August 22, 2014

I Just Felt Like Writing Today

I can easily get overwhelmed and not even know why I feel overwhelmed and then there are times that I'll be listening to what someone is saying to me and I just smile because whether they know it or not it will go along and/or be exactly what I needed to hear for whatever it may be that I was over thinking about or just something I was dealing with. Those are my 'Well, huh, ain't that something...' moments. You never really know when you share a thought or something that you have dealt with just how much it can help the person you are talking to, sometimes for no other reason than they can realize they are not the only one that has felt like and had to deal with that kind of problem before. Let's face it, it's nice to know you're not alone in many things. I'm all about having my time to myself to gather my thoughts and stuff but there are times that...well I feel to alone and that's not the good kind of alone that can help you. Usually, and thankfully, the times I get like that I have a few friends that I have grown comfortable enough with that I know I can talk to them. I may not talk about what's bothering me every time but nonetheless I know I can go to them and just talk and they'll get me out of that to alone zone. I recently saw a quote that said something along the lines of I'll always appreciate the ones that can make me laugh when I am feeling down and that is so true.

It amazes me sometimes how much I pay attention to things and the things that I can sometimes get out of them. It's sometimes so out there that I'm not even sure how I get to that particular thought. This most particular example came, from all places, a dog. A while back I had read a quote that stated the reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue (definitely one of those ain't that the truth quotes). Not only could  a lot be learned from that quote but I recently had the thought you could take a lesson in learning patience from a dog. I saw a dog that really wanted what it's owner was eating and he got up sit down and gave them the stare down. That didn't work and he walked away for a minute and laid down. Normally this is the way people are they don't get what they want the first time they try, ask, or seek it they just give up. However, here's where the lesson in patience kicked in, me watching this thinking he had given up only to see him get back up in a minute or two and walk back to his owner sit down beside him and patiently  watch the person eat what the dog very much wanted a bite of. This time he didn't leave again but he sat there and his patience and persistence paid off because he got a bit of what that person was eating. So see there's lessons to be learned in all kinds of places if you just watch (and perhaps over think). 

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