Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Impact (another win for terrible title)

You ever read something and you think that's it! That is exactly what I've been trying to put into logical sentences and never could. I read a blog post today by Billy Coffey (great author if you haven't read any of his books you should and check out his blog on his website www.billycoffey.com). In it he was talking about this elderly lady and the impact she was having on various people as she passed them on the sidewalk as she did various things (talking, adding money in a parking meter for someone, etc). The lady never looked back though and never saw the reactions these people had, the smile on one person or the bewildered look on another. My that's it moment came reading the biggest tragedy may be that we always see the effect the world has on us but rarely the effect we have on the world. Maybe it's all connected and how the world effects us helps us decide what we are going to do to change the world. Perhaps it's not necessarily about turning back to see the reaction but just doing that something even if at the time you don't exactly know why and even if you never know what an impact it made. What is important is if you choose to walk down the sidewalk pushing everyone out of the way being rude or you walk with a smile on your face stopping to talk to someone or add a coin to a parking meter to help someone out you are going to have an effect on this world. Choose wisely.

Life never ceases to amaze me. Today would have been my grandma's 85th birthday. Normally I get...I can have a very magenta day but not this year. No because this year a new family member was born and that alone is fantastic enough. However to now have another birthday to celebrate this day just makes it happy and special again. My grandma would be overjoyed for sure. Funny how things have a way of working out even if they can take a long time and sometimes you don't even know there's something to be worked out. Life what a ride. Sometimes it has so many twists and turns I feel like that seatbelt isn't going to be enough to hold me in and I'll crash and sometimes it's a smooth or even so slow that I feel I'll never reach my next stop, wherever it may be. No matter what stage the ride is on I just need to remember to keep my hands inside and enjoy the ride. Andjust maybe look back every so often to just see if I'm making an impact on others life whily I'm navigating this ride called life.

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