Friday, October 11, 2013

Comparing Myself with Others

It's amazing the things I will think at night to prevent myself from going to sleep. Last night while perusing Facebook again to kill a few seconds I realized I was starting to compare myself to others and by doing that I was starting to take away from the accomplishments I have made for myself. In my A.D.D. kind of way of thinking that got me to search comparing yourself to others and I actually came across a great article that basically said there is no way to win when you compare yourself to others because there is no way it can be a fair fight, we approach things differently. The article also made a great point that if you start doing that you should change the question and see how you have changed, accomplished a goal you didn't think you would, quit a habit you never thought you would, or any other thing you have done that has taken you on the road to becoming the person you want to be. I don't know maybe it's corny and whatnot but if I'm going to do any comparing I think I'm better off comparing the present day me to who I was even five years ago. It's more realistic and more focused on me, which sounds very conceited but it is me who I want to change after all and not any one else. I have been freaking out because in about six months I will be hitting the big 3-0 and that combined with comparing where I was in life to where others are was really beginning to get to me and I was thinking I was a big failure. Then I found that article and got thinking, while still fighting sleep, that I may not have the house with picket fence, husband and kids but I have accomplished a lot and have really improved and became a better person over the years. Worrying about what others think of me and comparing what I have to what others have is pointless, this isn't a game to see who can accumulate the most just to brag about it, even though to many treat life like that. I may not be where some think I should be as I quickly slide toward being thirty years old but they don't know how much I have accomplished and overcame. I'll end this post with a great quote I also found while doing my random searches last night:

“Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.” ~Unknown

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