Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Titles are not easy to think of...

In a couple of weeks, if my math is correct, autumn will make its arrival. I'm excited about this because that means six days later the new season of Castle begins! Seriously, I am missing my new episodes of Castle but thank God for reruns. I'm also looking forward to it because autumn and spring are my favorite seasons. I love the weather in both seasons and the various things that come with both seasons fashion and food wise (I get to bring out my hoodies and boots and let us not forget hot chocolate!). Not only that but in a way, at least for me, both seasons represent a kind of change and new beginnings. It's a time of the year that the animals are preparing to make it through the winter and oh-to-soon-to-arrive cold weather, the leaves are changing colors and slowly falling to the ground. You wait months to see the beautiful colors of all of the leaves as they change and then they all fall to the ground so you wait those months anxiously waiting for the day you see the first sign of new life in spring. I guess it's a sort of reminder that there is a reward for all the waiting and work you have to do for change and what you have to do to be who you want to be or something like that! It's hard to explain but just like there are seasons and each has it's own reward and beautiful thing about it so is each season of ones life. There is change, there is work to be done and lots of waiting to see that change but in the end it's worth it. I can't see the new leaves and flowers blooming without seeing the leaves change and fall and try to patiently wait through the winter season.

I feel like I'm always writing on here about my walls that I have built up and working on taking them down. The other day I realized a couple of things and one of those was a big chunk of my walls have fallen down. I also have, or am truly with more accuracy seeing the lies that I have been used for the foundation to keep these walls up are just that - nothing but lies. It's like the more I'm realizing this the more the foundation for these walls is cracking and parts of the walls are coming down and I'm hoping they shatter into such small pieces there isn't anyway I can rebuild them. It's as though I built these walls and foundations up thinking they were great protection and on good solid ground that I wanted to stay on for a long time only to realize that I didn't build any windows or door so who I am can't be seen nor can I truly get to other people and the ground is pretty shaky, muddy and not a good place to stay. As these chunks of foundations and walls fall down I'm slowly moving out and rebuilding on the place I really am supposed to be. Which is just mumbo jumbo talk to say I get that being that quiet girl that loves to read and had rather listen to people tell stories and or talk is perfectly okay and it's perfectly fine to build a door and let people in so they can visit for awhile and we can sit by the window and chat even.

This makes my 150th post on my blog, never thought I'd write that many when I first started this. You know what that means? I successfully found 150 different ways to say the same thing!

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