Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's in a name?

I have this unusual thing where I sometimes see a persons name and wonder the story behind why/how their parents decided to name their child what they did. With my job I see a lot of peoples names throughout the day and I always see a few that make me wonder this. Guess it's partly because I figure there must be some story behind it and I'm all about hearing stories about, well anything, and maybe it's just cause I think there has to be a reason/story for every thing.  I say all this because the other day when I was waiting to get my hair done the lady asked my last name and then commented that it was weird and then it got me thinking about names in general. Now my last name I am very proud of even though it is always mispronounced and misspelled. However, my first name is just so blah, I mean it's a month. You know those things they make that have the meaning of a persons name, all mine ever says is after the month. So then I got to thinking how did they come up with the names of the months and is there anything else about my name.  One site had this to say about April: called Aprilis, from aperire, "to open". Possible because it is the month in which the buds begin to open. Not much to talk about but could be worse, but I still think it's cruel to name a kid after a month because for however many days are in that month the poor kid has to be confused whether someone is talking to them or about the month. Oh, and I love that I always get asked if my middle name is May.  Plus when I get old and am in the nursing home, how can I make up some random story about who I was named :) just kidding. I wonder if at some point though if every one has that why did my parents name me this question pop in their head. Even though I complain about my name I wouldn't change it because even though it is a month, I have added my own touch and something that people can think of when they hear April.

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