Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A New Level Of Random

I sometimes really do pay way to much attention to certain details of things that most people probably don't even notice. Even if they do notice I wonder if they are transfixed on it for a long time cause I even tend to do that and get on my little over analyzing, over thinking mindset that causes me to make a lot of unnecessary stops before I get to a destination. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Perfect example is this past Sunday it was a rainy day and while sitting in church I look at the window (I just can't get rid of that daydreamer in me that has a terrible time paying attention) and I see the raindrops sliding down the window. Suddenly I had multiple rapid thoughts hit me that ranged from: That looks really pretty, It kind of looks like tears, and finally that would be a cool picture.. How can I stare at rain drops sliding down a window for a long time but have a hard time paying attention to someone talking? I find myself constantly having a more difficult time paying attention. As I was watching the rain yesterday I realized how odd it is that the simplest of things can distract me and keep my attention where other things that should hold my attention don't and it's not that I don't want to listen. I really do try and though I may not be the best listener I mostly can avoid that invisible unknown cause that so easily distracts me.

If you have Facebook, I'm fairly certain it's a safe bet that you have seen the latest craze where you get a number and tell that many things about yourself others may not know. I have avoided it like my life depended on it while on Facebook but one night when my brain decided it wanted to keep talking and not let me sleep I thought writing some things down about myself was a good idea, you know just in case I forgot and hit the like button and got a number. As fate would have it I seem to have escaped it but I figured why let the list go to waste so I'll post it on here (that was your warning that you can stop reading now cause it's about to reach a level of boredom some didn't know even existed)

  1. I have fear/anxiety of people finding and reading what I've written (including this blog)
  2. The only television show I refuse to miss and will watch again the next day on hulu is Castle. The show is awesome with a spectacular and very talented cast and if I have to have a celebrity crush I think I have chosen well with Nathan Fillion!
  3. I'd love to meet Carol Burnett and Loretta Lynn
  4. I talk to myself...a lot, especially while driving.
  5. I also sing a lot, and very badly, while driving
  6. I like to draw but not always good at it (see picture at end)
  7. The mandolin is my favorite instrument
  8. I hate riding in the car without music unless there is someone in the car with me to talk to
  9. I want to go back to Ireland. I am very proud of my Irish ancestory
  10. I find it very difficult to get close and open up to people
  11. I'm more talkative than people seem to think
  12. I love to gaze at stars. I have about fell several times while being transfixed on looking at the stars while thinking I can walk at the same time. 
  13. I'm not a big fan of hugs - honestly there is only a few people that I don't mind if they come up and hug me. It's weird I know and needless to say you know it's serious when I say I need a hug
  14. I love to read and must go to a bookstore every so often. Seriously, it's like someone craving chocolate
  15. I get very nervous around a lot of people
  16. My dream house is a simple log cabin with a front porch I can sit on spring and summer nights to read
  17. I hate being asked when I'm going to get married and/or have children
  18. I hate talking on the phone, so some of those calls that went unanswered wasn't just because I had the music to loud and didn't hear the phone. I feel better now that I got that out.
  19. I worry I'll never feel like I've accomplished any thing in my life. Basically I just worry a lot
  20. I'd go on but if you've read these then you already know more about me than a lot of people do that have known me for years.
      Picture I drew/colored one night while bored. This is probably the only thing I've ever drawn that I will say turned out halfway decent.

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