Thursday, June 19, 2014

Take 2 tablespoons of random as needed

One of the biggest lies I continue to tell myself is that I don't need to write that down I will absolutely remember it word for word later on, or will remember to do something without the reminder. I had something I was going to write on here and all I remember is at the time the thought came to me that it was a great thought but other than that I can't really remember much of it. Good thing I have an endless supply of random thoughts continuously running through my mind, thank God there isn't any thought bubbles that pop up over ones head. Mine would be so jumbled that it would look like it was in some kind of code though so I'd still be safe. And the randomness begins...

I hate talking on the phone, I hate the way I sound and I'm so quiet people can never hear me. I had rather get in front of a group of people and talk...okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but I really don't like talking on the phone. Recently for work I had emailed to clarify some information and the person replied with can you call me...My first thought was no, no I can not the purpose of sending the email was so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. So after staring at the phone regretting even sending the email I finally call only for her to...wait for it....not be able to hear me, I know I couldn't believe it either (sarcasm font would be great for sentences like that). I have nothing against talking I'm just very selective on who I talk to and God help those people if they choose a subject that I enjoy and can ramble on FOREVER about. Speaking of rambling have you ever been talking to someone and you can tell they could care less about what you're talking about. For me I'm never entirely sure if it's because they could care less about what I'm talking about and/or they have heard nothing of what I've been saying. Either way I try to quickly end the torture for the person. Luckily for anyone involved this doesn't occur very often.

There is a cardinal that shows up at my uncle's house and I've been trying to get a picture of him for awhile now. I am convinced the bird knows this because he gladly shows up when I'm in my car and he'll be sitting in the road or fly in front of me and he was even hanging out in the yard on the one moment I didn't have my camera with me. That bird is like problems in life. I may get so focused on looking in one direction where I am certain a problem may attack that I don't have all of the other directions guarded like I should. Or perhaps one will have all sides very well guarded and prepared for any and all attacks only to lose focus and look away or wait a long time without any problem showing up so you decide maybe you don't need all that protection up after all so you start to take some of the armor off. That is usually when the problems will attack. Not to say one should always be in complete paranoia and panic that something is going to happen but one should always be alert and aware at the very least. Okay that maybe didn't have anything to do with that bird but in my head and way of thinking I related it to that somehow, sometimes I'm not even sure how I get to these conclusions.

Lastly, and if you are still reading this you deserve an award of some sort...actually on second thought I think this has been enough to torment anyone that has read this. And I think I'll keep that thought I was going to share to myself for a bit longer.

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