Monday, May 13, 2013

Emotional Roller coaster...

That is the simplest way I can describe how I've been. Yesterday I hit a big wall and crashed with my emotions. I hate Mother's Day - to a certain degree I have all my life - but the past 11 years I have utterly despised the day. It makes me miss and think more of my grandma who helped raise me and who I looked at as my mom as well as grandma. This was bad enough just knowing it was the day it was but genius me decided to get on social media and every post on Facebook was about Mother's Day. Needless to say my emotions were a mess and I was doing my best to not let them get the best of me. Epic fail on that. Usually I can hold it in until I'm by myself and have a good ol' cry but not yesterday. I had made it to the restroom to cry before I was seen once but apparently didn't get enough out so when I was talking to a friend it hit me again and I couldn't keep from crying and couldn't get away in time before they saw I was crying. I hate losing it like that in front of people, not because I'm ashamed of having emotions and crying, but I just become this snot running blubbering mess that can't make a coherent sentence if my life depended on it. So with that being said yesterday was absolutely terrible but on a positive note I realize I do have some true and great friends. When I tried to leave a couple friends wouldn't let me, can't blame them I'm bad enough of a driver when I can see just fine, throw in some tears that could be scary! I'm not going to lie though at first while I'm trying to stop crying and hide the fact that I am crying it frustrated me that they wouldn't just let me go on but I know they did it cause they cared. Anyway, short story made way to long already, I'm glad that I have friends that  will let me cry, talk, and laugh with them any time. I only hope I am there for them as much as they are there for me. These friends truly prove that you don't have to know people all of your life to be the best of friends. Last but not least I guess one just can't escape the bumpy emotional roller coaster but I like it better the the ride isn't very long and I can have a long time in between those rides.

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