Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I know in life you can't constantly look back or you'll never move forward but sometimes I like to look back and see how far I've made it. On occasion I realize I haven't moved much at all or have even moved backwards. As I get older I'm learning to not get to aggravated when this happens because be it my own fault or some yet unknown explanation there is a reason I am where I am. Society tries to label me because I'm not married, don't have any kids and therefore must be miserable but I have to say I am just now beginning to get a grasp and true appreciation at this thing we call life. When I graduated high school and someone told me in 10 or so years some of the things I would get to do and the job I would have, I'm not going to lie I would have laughed in their faces. I've never actually written down a 'bucket list' but I have always had a mental list of places I'd love to go see and things I'd like to accomplish and to my amazement I have been able to do way more than I ever thought possible. Sometimes I put things on my mental list just to challenge myself to see if I will go for it or not. I guess this past birthday made me realize that time is going by super fast and I don't want another 10 years pass by so fast and look back only to realize I didn't take time to live in the now and to enjoy it. There is a song by Alabama (not sure of the title of the song at the moment) but it says 'I'm in a hurry to get things done, Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun' and I know there isn't any getting out of feeling like that at times but I am truly striving to not stay in that kind of mind set anymore. I guess this post is just a long drawn out way of saying today I am just thankful that I over came all the obstacles that was set before me and continue to prepare for any that may come down the road. My constant prayer is that I become the person I'm meant to be even if it is outside of my comfort zone. As I've heard said many times and I think is true for myself I may not be where I should be but thank God I'm not the person I used to be. Some days you just got to count your blessings and push every thing else under the rug to deal with another day.

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