Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, it's so good to see you again

I don't know how many things I'm going to have to go through before it truly sinks in that all things happen for a reason. By now I really should have figured this out. Working from home I don't get to see or talk to my co-workers as often as when I had to go in to work. I occasionally get to email them or catch up via Facebook but it's just not the same. So when my internet went down and didn't come back up until this morning I should have focused on the thought of getting to see my friends again but I didn't I lost my patience and was so frustrated just about the internet being down and I would be really late clocking in now. If there is a good thing with that it is that it doesn't last long with me before I'm either truly over it or I am able to internalize it until a later date. Before I even got to work I was in a much better mood, listening to music really loud on the way also really helped. What helped the most though was walking in to my old office and seeing my friends. It really is what I needed right now. It was great getting to catch up and laugh like the days before four walls and Facebook became my co-workers to get me through the day. Don't get me wrong working from home has it's advantages, like getting to type this blog now, but I miss getting to be around my friends at work. I try to go in and see them every so often but it had been a really long time because every thing kept coming up so I couldn't make it. That is until this week when my internet went down. It was one of those blessings in disguise moments for sure. Talk about how things work out, there was a lady that works in the cafeteria that I hoped I would get to see, and I go in the cafeteria for lunch looking for food and hoping to see her as well. I didn't see her at first then she suddenly came out of a door and she saw me and came over. She talked a minute and gave me a hug, you know I'm not a hugger but I tell you I really needed that hug. Maybe next time something goes wrong I'll remember that there is some reason this is happening and it just might be because I need to be on a different road that day, one that takes me to see some friends that will make it a much better day. Now I'm off to take this trip called life one day at a time and continue to work on my patience and becoming the person that apparently most people think I am. If only I was half the person they seem to think I am, or maybe I am and I just don't see it. Either way, I'll end with this: even when the road is curvy, and bumpy and you're not sure you'll make it to you're destination remember there is always a blessing to be found and that pesky cliche is true, things happen for a reason.

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