Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just Another Post

It never ceases to amaze me that I can hear a song from growing up, and that I haven't heard in quite some time, yet I can remember all  of the lyrics as soon as I hear that first chord. My amazement doesn't end there because I don't understand how I can do that yet forget what I was going to do in the short distance of a few steps from one room to another. I also realize I write a lot about music, I can't help it, it's on my very short list of things I can talk/write a lot about. I think it's partly because songs are like books they can take you to so many places even if the song only lasts 3-5 minutes long the feeling the song gives you can last a long time after that, in some cases I dare say a lifetime. I also think that like those old songs I listen to and remember the lyrics to that it also brings back some great memories. If it's from an artist I've seen in concert I may remember that, or if it played a part in something that happened in my life the memory flood gates might over flow. Plus when I'm in my car or by myself you better believe I sing my little tone deaf heart out like I'm in an arena singing for thousands of fans. Thankfully my car has tinted windows so it saves people a little bit of terror from having to see me and usually the routes I drive I avoid having to be stuck beside anyone very long by a red light and I try to show them mercy by stopping singing while anyone can hear me. It cracks me up when people tell me I'm quiet because I sometimes think, 'Shew, good my car hasn't been bugged!' (Totally a sarcastic joke I really ain't that paranoid). However, I do want to tell them you haven't been in a car with me for a long ride, I talk a lot at that times, usually no one else is around though! That's another thing, how people perceive you and the adjectives they use to describe you. People have called me quiet, I like to think of it as taking the scenic route from my mind to mouth to get the words out, or listener if you want the short boring answer! Same thing as when I've been called weird, that's just a jealous way of reminding me I'm unique :) On that note I think that's about all I got for this time.

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