Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fashion Police

As my vacation comes to a close I find I  have nothing exciting to write about this week except that I enjoyed not having to think about work. However, as my mind tends to wonder and I get countless thoughts going at one time and rarely complete one thought, I figured I'd write this particular post about something else. I actually thought of this while trying to sleep, it truly is amazing the thoughts that I think while trying to sleep, and so I decided to write it down so I would remember it. Here it is:

There is nothing like warmer weather to make a part of me wish there really was such a thing as fashion police. Granted, I know I would get ticketed all the time for some kind of violation (probably for being to slouchy) but some people surely realize how some of these clothes look on them. Wear what you want to but for crying out loud at least make sure it's the right size or at least not to small. At least if you're like me and you tend to buy it to big (because I just loathe trying on clothes) you can wear a belt or something. You can't hide or fix to small. There are certain types of clothes that just aren't intended for certain body types - not hating or being mean that's just common sense seems to me like. It's like those pictures you see of the people at Wal-Mart but somehow in the spring/summer they can be seen every where. To each his own but there are some parts of people I really don't ever need or want to see. This always includes some guy (usually old and not in the best of shape) that seems to think it's necessary to go shirtless outside in public. You just can't unsee these kinds of things. Not going to lie though it's just as dangerous to see the shirtless guys that are young (my age young) and in a shape that you at least understand why they are going shirtless. I always have to remind myself to focus on driving instead of the cute guy. Then there are the times I'm walking in a store and I see a woman that has a to-die-for bag or flip flops, etc that I wonder where she found that at because I just don't have that luck or patience when it comes to shopping. With all that being said I guess I'm glad there isn't any fashion police because that could cut in to my summer entertainment and I of course would hate to be the first to be jailed for to many violations!

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