Friday, November 7, 2014

I had to write something here....and this is all I could think of

 3, 2...1 for all and all for 1
Times will be bad, times will be good. Things I wish I hadn’t done and some I wish I would cutting through the American noise. You’ve got a voice and a song to sing (and a song to sing)...No matter who you are you’ve got a voice. Why don’t you use it, sing your own song take all the noise and make it into music. (American Noise)

Sometimes you just got to start out a post with a song lyric. I had this plan to write out this big thing about masks and how we all wear one to a certain degree. If you say you don't I would ask you when was the last time someone asked how you were doing and you said fine when you was so far away from being fine you couldn't even see it in the horizon but you said you was fine and even put on a fine show of acting like it. Seems to me that's the most common mask people wear. Masks and labels, two things if we could get rid of we might be able to get to know and understand people a bit better. I at least understand masks more than I do labels. To me a mask is like a shield. You wear it to protect you, which can mean many different things for each person. A label is used to just cause division and give you a clear conscience of why it's okay for you not to associate with someone. Awhile back I wrote a post about labels (March 2013). Personally, I wish we could get rid of both of them. There are a select few that I'll take my mask off and be myself around for a brief time. You got to be careful about wearing the mask for to long cause you could soon forget and lose all those amazing, unique things that makes you who you are. And that's all I have to say about that, well it's all I'm going to write about it anyway.

About a month ago I had wrote a post about how life was like a puzzle and how I was working on completing a puzzle. At least in my head that analogy still proves to be true and I went over it a lot as I was trying to complete that puzzle. Shockingly enough I actually stuck with that project and completed it a few days ago. Funny how while I'm working on something I'll think I'll never get finished, get frustrated and have to walk away, want to give up, come back and start working on it again and make great progress, get side tracked by other things, find my way back and ultimately I complete the project and get excited that I accomplished something all for it to end with now what do I do. That statement could also easily describe my life at least at times or maybe it could describe it as it is all of the time. Now I just got to figure out how to frame it and all that goes with that because I am not taking that apart and putting it back in the box. Besides the box it came in is really cool and I can use it to keep stuff in. In case you were wondering the puzzle was from The Wizard of Oz, only one of my (many) favorite movies, but only one of the few that I can never get tired of watching.

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