Friday, November 14, 2014

I write therefore I must be bored

Pete and Repeat was sitting on a bench writing one day. Pete couldn't think of anything to write so he  put away his notebook and left. Repeat didn't have anything new to write but wanted to write and decided there was enough of a few old subjects that could be rewritten that you think it sounds familiar but enough is different you keep on reading anyway. This is what you got stuck with reading, if you so choose to continue.

Well I started this yesterday with the intention of writing aimlessly about a subject but didn't get a chance to finish it and now that I'm starting writing on it again I feel I need to go another route. For the record the previous subject was just going to be about  how we feel such a connection to characters in television shows and/or books and are so critical of how said character is portrayed. You know the whole they would never say, wear, or do that. Or how certain characters can remind you of people you know in real life....blah, blah blah..but new day, new thought and  I thought that is probably boring, and though that's not stopped me before I decided to just write something else.  Which is a long drawn out way of saying I don't really have anything to write but I want to write so I am so just winging it and living up to the ramblings of a quiet girl.

The other day I had to go to the dentist, something I dread long before it is time for me to even go in for my cleanings. I mention this because my dentist asked if my teeth were sensitive and I said yes (well as well as one can talk). I was thinking it was quite ironic and kind of fitting that even my teeth are sensitive  since I have such a highly sensitive personality. I have to take whatever my mind gives me to think about to ease my anxiety of being at the dentist. I also mention that simply because I still wasn't sure what else to write.

The nice autumn weather has finally turned to plain old cold and I have officially entered the I'm ready for spring weather. I try to find something good in every situation, I fail as often as I pass on that one, perfect example is the cold weather. Although having a warm place to stay, the comfy hoodies/sweaters and hot chocolate make it tolerable.

Sometimes as I'm driving I'll see people walking or even the people I pass in the store and there are times I wonder about their story. What brought them to that store that day or where is it that they are walking to. I was recently in a car with someone and they saw someone walking and they said something along the lines of I don't know but they look like someone that has done drugs at one point in their life. To which I said wow really, that's kind of mean. In reality we've all at one point or another said/thought something very judgmental about someone we've seen in passing (it can get even worse if you actually know the person). I wonder why we do that. I wonder why I have such a fascination at figuring out why we, or at least I do that. Is it something about that person that we see a trait that we've seen someone else do, are we just trying to focus on others supposed downfalls to take away from our own, or a number of other reasons. I'll probably never know why but it does make me wonder what others perceive when they see me. Perhaps there is always a little bit of truth about how we perceive those we see but the truth isn't necessarily about the person but ourselves and how we choose to look at people or even ourselves.  I guess I think to much about this but each time it seems we as a society take a step in the right direction to focus on the person and not the looks we take so many steps backwards.I can't change societies way of thinking but I do have control over my own and how I view people. I want to be able to look at people and not come to preconceived judgements based solely on what they are wearing (or not), their hairstyle, or even the way they walk. We're all stories, sometimes people take a quick glance at us and think they know the story but they aren't even getting the summary on the back cover. Not sure what people see when they look at me and what story they come up with but as Richard Castle says, don't ruin my story with your logic!

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