Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I have a few different things I want to write about and my mind can't decide which one to stay focused on long enough to write first. It would possibly help if I didn't have so many thoughts and them speeding around my head like the a kid that got that extra piece of cake with loads of icing. I guess since in a couple of days it will be Thanksgiving holiday I'll start with the thought focused on that first.

I try to find something most every day to be thankful for, I say most because some days I get so focused on the bad that I forget to be thankful or just flat out refuse to see any good that happened in the day. I figure this would be a good time to write a few of those things that I'm thankful for. I sometimes see/hear that people will go around at Thanksgiving dinner and say something they are thankful for. I always liked that idea, I mean I wouldn't want to actually talk and say what I was thankful for because that would put me in a shear panic but still it's a cool idea. I also like the thought of having a thankful jar or journal to write down good things that happened if for nothing else a reminder of how things worked out. Anyway, now that I wasted a few more sentences let me get on with what I'm thankful for. It's not a complete list and will be vague because I am not going to call out anyone by name but the point will still be made.Not only for this week but at the very least for this year I'm thankful for my health, my job, everything I need to survive (shelter, food and clean water to drink). I'm thankful for the few family that I know I can count on and for my church family because they really are like my family. I'm thankful for my friends and the true ones that are even there when I try to build walls and push them away. I'm thankful for my faith because it's helped me get through some times I wasn't sure I would be able to. There's more I'm sure I could add but really with what I listed what more does anyone really need besides books, oh I guess I could add that to my list as well because I'm really thankful I can read, have the ability to get books and not have to worry about hiding what I'm reading. That probably sounds pretty silly but hey if you can't be thankful for the little things how you going to be thankful for the big things.

I'm also thankful for the time I get to spend with those I care about because it doesn't happen as often as I wish it would. Which is a good lead way into my next topic. You'd think that after a certain age or time it would really sink in you just don't know how much time you got and you shouldn't put off a chance to go visit someone or tell them something. After several missed opportunities and some forever missed because the person has now passed on I still haven't fully grasped that concept. I just try not to beat myself up anymore about those missed chances and give it another go providing I get or can make another chance/time. Since I'm not much of a talker (I don't get enough credit for how much I can talk because no one ever really hears me but that's neither here nor there) so I hope and tell myself that my actions speak volumes and as long as I somehow show it makes up for what I don't actually say, or said but wasn't heard.

Lastly, I recently discovered a site that I'm quite fascinated with. I found out about it on Facebook when another page I liked shared a video from their page. The site is called Call Me Ishmael (callmeishmael.com/)  and you can call a designated telephone number and leave an anonymous voice mail about a book you love and the story behind why it has made such an impact on your life. Then someone transcribes the voice mail and makes a video of it. The first one I saw was a person remarking the impact that The Diary of  a Young Girl by Anne Frank had made on them. Since that video I have went to the website and watched several other videos. I've not read any of the books (with the exception of The Diary of a Young Girl) but I still find it fascinating to hear peoples stories of why they originally started reading the book and the impact it ended up having on their lives. Be it in person or something like this I love hearing the positive impact books have had on people. I've always loved books, they are my time machine and have taken me many places and given me advice and encouragement at times when I just couldn't bring myself to talk to anyone.

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