Monday, November 10, 2014

The Walk

As I've previously mentioned I'm currently reading five books in a series called The Walk by Richard Paul Evans. I've just started the fourth book and already will definitely recommend this series. The great thing about finding a series late is you don't have to wait forever for the books to be published. Basic synopsis without to many spoilers is it's about Alan Christofferson and his journey to live again. He loses everything, his wife, his business (that was stolen from him by his business partner), his house and his cars. His wife dies from complications from a accident and before she dies she makes Alan promise her that he will live again. After the funeral and going through the emotions he decides to walk to Key West. On his walk he journals not only the places he walks but the people he meets on the way. A couple of things that are really making an impact and just adding on about how I've always kind of looked at this journey. At one point in one of the books he makes the statement of how he thought a certain person he met it was so he could help them but it was actually so she could help him. I think that happens a lot. People go in a situation thinking they are going to help the person, kind of be the hero, and they end up getting more help and leave the situation with more than what they started with. I've done this before but the big one that I had one of my shut up get out of my head moments was when I would read the few times he would ask himself why, why is this person helping me? He would ask it specifically for a couple of people but also for just the random people that did things to help him out. I'm constantly asking myself that question. I have those few people that are willing to listen to me, are there when I ask and those times that pride won't let me ask for help and I always find I'm wondering why they are willing to do it. Now I have a bad habit of thinking what do you want and/or waiting for the bottom to fall out from under me when/if I start getting close and comfortable around people. I've struggled with it for years but thank God I'm getting better at ignoring those fears because 99.5% of it is just fear. However, I'm so thankful for them, for those times that when I try to push them away they will still say I'm here for you whenever you want to talk. You know in the past year or so I've learned so much about myself and I think I've truly matured and grown as a person.  A big part of that is because I've let things go (all together now in your best Elsa....Don't let them in, don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. Well now they know.Let it go, let it go,Can't hold it back anymore....sorry couldn't help myself!) Seriously though I have noticed that a weight has been unloaded because I'm not carrying a load that wasn't mine to carry to begin with. So my point was everyone we meet on our journey, even if we aren't walking from Seattle to Key West, Florida, we meet them for a reason and I truly believe that. I have so many examples of why I stand on that and just as many of those examples come from strangers I've met one time as well as those people that started out as strangers but I now have the privilege of calling my friend.And I think that is the answer to why are you helping me...we can't get through this walk called life by ourselves and be it a stranger or a friend everyone has a purpose and a part in this walk. So if you read and are looking for a good series to start go to your library, bookstore, or friend that has a copy and start reading. Wherever your walk takes you try to make the best of it.

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