Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Difference Maker

There is a purpose to the title but first let me get another random thought out. Last night as I was driving and hitting my preset buttons trying to find a radio station that was playing a song I actually wanted to hear and hadn't already heard one hundred times already a couple thoughts occurred to me. One being am I the only one that it really annoys when DJ's interrupt the last couple of lines of a song with them talking or they play a commercial. It bugs me but I'm not a fan of having to listen to people talk or commercials on the radio anyway ( I know got to have both to have the music but still not always the biggest fan). Second thought, just about any song I listen to will bring up some sort of memory or thought (because just listening and enjoying a song is apparently asking to much for my brain, although sometimes it does) but wait, why stop there, because my way of thinking also hears songs and thinks that would be the perfect song for (fill in the blank) book or (fill in the blank) character from book or movie. There are a few songs that now every time I hear them I automatically think of characters from a series I read. As I was thinking on this last night I began to wonder if I wasn't taking the reading thing a little to far (verdict is still in the air on that) but really everything is better with a soundtrack. I remember in music class in middle school the teacher showed a movie and one time he had the volume on where you could hear the musical score then he turned the volume off and played the same scene. Without the musical score the action scene lost action. I think that's the great thing about music and the power it has to not only make a scene in a movie but be able to say what I can't figure out how to say, encourage me, calm me down, or just make me laugh. I guess life does have background music we just got to take the time to pick the songs and push play. Is this another repeat thought because I'm not entirely sure it isn't. Well by now you should know the chances are high you will be reading repeat thoughts that are written just different enough (I hope) to get something else out of it.

Now to why this is titled Difference Maker....there's a song by that same title that the band needtobreathe sings and can I just say it is quite interesting to read some of the comments on YouTube for the official video (when I watch the video I personally can't help but think of Doctor Who and envision River in the astronaut suit), which actually further proves how everyone takes something different from any and all songs. Also some prove how so often we can get stuck on the itty bitty details and completely miss the big picture and oh how I could write a lot just on that alone but I'll spare you...for now. I rather like the song but the curious being that I am I was wondering the story behind it from the songwriter(s) point of view. So I did what every one does and got my phone out and hit up Google to do a quick search and the story behind it is simple but interesting. Short version is, in case you don't want to search it, that the songwriter was basically trying to understand his role in God's plan and figuring out why and who exactly he was doing things for.Now the rest of what follows has absolutely nothing to do with the song it just falls under difference maker heading.  I am a person that kind of needs to see the results of what I'm doing, I need to see that I am making progress. I perhaps don't need to necessarily know that I am making a difference but I at least feel like I need to be doing things that somewhere along the way should make some kind of difference. Now I have to be careful how I say that or it will sound like I'm solely doing it to make it all about me and how I can get recognition for it. Personally I'm fine if I was to do something to make a difference and my name was never, ever found any where close to proximity of whatever that event may be. Reminds me of when I read Carol Burnett's autobiography and she told of how someone gave her a check so she could have the funds to go to New York if I'm not mistaken, but either way the check was given to her so she could have the opportunity to pursue her career but the stipulation was that when she made it that she pay it back and she never, ever tell anyone who gave it to her. I don't want to make a difference to make a name for myself or even a pat on the back I want to make a difference because I don't want to waste this life being selfish and making it all about me, myself, and I and no more. I don't care if my difference is nothing more than picking up a piece of garbage I see in the parking lot as I'm walking in the store and placing it in the garbage can what seems small and unnoticeable can make a bigger impact and difference than that big thing, whatever that may be. Everything we do makes a difference whether we ever see it or not. I just want to make sure I'm doing my part and then some, I want to be the change that I want to see in the world because how dare I question why aren't others doing such and such if I'm not willing to do it myself. I guess I'm just thinking about this more because I received a letter that kind of reminded me that perhaps some stuff I do is making a difference even to a person I've never met nor will I ever likely ever meet. I had questioned if I should continue something and well that letter came in time and reminded me that perhaps in some way and in a very small way I am on a path to be a difference maker. Because to me being a difference maker is the best way I can treat people and the best legacy I could ever leave and I don't think I wrote or quite got out what I intended but hopefully the just of it is received.

Since I wrote about the song and video here's Difference Maker by needtobreathe

Also here is a link where he talks about the song in case you are curious about it. Sometimes, at least to me, the story behind the song can be as good if not better than the actual song.


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