Sunday, January 18, 2015

You've always had the power my dear

To bad there isn't a button I could push or some kind of pen that could transfer my thoughts to paper then I could just edit them on paper instead of losing my way in my head and them never getting any farther. Odd how even getting thoughts on paper can help instead of oh-so-many thoughts bouncing around in ones head. All part of the many layers I suppose. Can you lose a part of yourself by having so many layers or do the layers make you who you or, or both. Perhaps neither. Funny how I keep learning stuff about myself. Doesn't really seem like that should be possible I guess. After all you are with yourself 24/7 you should know everything there is to know about you. Fascinating thing is it seems we're constantly growing, changing, maybe even evolving to adapt to our surroundings and just discover who we are. Some people find out they are stronger (mentally or physically) than they thought and overcame obstacles that at the beginning looked like there was no way to win. Some learn they are smarter, discover a talent, or many other things that helps a person discover something about themselves they didn't know or truly believe. I love learning about other people, hearing their story, but there's something about discovering something about yourself. It's like when someone, or perhaps to often yourself, tells you that you can't do something and that feeling you get when you do accomplish that goal. At first it's a great feeling cause you got the 'Ha! I showed you.' feeling but then you (or I at least) get an even better feeling of realizing wait a minute I did that, I had it in me all the time to do and ta-da you discover you perhaps can do so much more then that voice that said you would never be able to do that. Oh, that voice that so often lies and says you can't do that for to many reasons to list. I don't like that voice but funny how it's easier to sometimes hear and believe that voice of why and how you can't do that instead of the voice of that encourages you and says you got this. I guess sometimes part of the learning or perhaps all of it is about quietting that voice that lies and discourages so we can find that strength within us to hear the voice of truth. Kind of like when Glinda tells Dorothy that she always had the power, she had it all along. I always thought, and still do, that is one of the best quotes. Do you realize how empowering it is when you realize that? If you think about it most of the time that voice that says you can't do something it's because of fear, well there can be more, but basically it all stems from fear, for me anyway. I'm one that thinks of every plausible but unlikely scenario which doesn't exactly help me ever get to far. I guess at times that helps but it gets me stuck quite often as well. For me I know the likelihood of any of the scenarios happening just isn't probable yet I still go through the long list until I often convince myself it just isn't worth it or there's no point but that is the point the fear and all the what-ifs are the barricades that keeps me from discovering that I can do so very much. Sometimes people are the cause of those barricades as well. It can occasionally be discouraging when someone's opinion you appreciate or someone you respect knocks you down saying you can't do something. Not the constructive, honest criticism we need but still don't always like to hear just the knock you down kind just because. In the end we got to be like Dorothy and realize you've had the power all along, my dear. I think when we realize this that what looked like Kilimanjaro is nothing more than a hill that you most definitely can climb and the view at the top is so amazingly breathtaking and well worth the climb. Not always easy but worth it. For the view, yes, but most importantly to discover something new about yourself. No not new but to peel away a layer and find a treasure about yourself that you didn't even know was there. Most of all don't concentrate on how much, fast or slow it takes you to accomplish something. The tortoise wasn't fast but he beat the hare. Distance and not giving up is much more important than how fast it takes you to get to that finish line.

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