Thursday, March 14, 2013


Dreams are like reading a book, it takes you to another world for a brief time, here lately my dreams have been taking me to some strange places. Generally, I just get a good laugh at the things that show up in my dreams but some mornings after I wake up and think about my dreams I can't help but wonder if perhaps that dream was trying to tell me something. Perfect example would be the dream I had last night. I've recently got really stressed out about my job and the last couple of days have had things come up that make me worried that I might lose my job (highly unlikely but my evaluation in June will tell I suppose). I know it's pointless to even worry, what happens is going to happen whether I worry or not but I alas have let the stress and worry win for this round. So my dream last night had me on an extremely narrow road on the side of a mountain (a very tall mountain!) and the road was being worked on to make it a little safer so you wouldn't drive off the side of the mountain. At the time the road was gravel, steep and went into a very sharp curve. Then this guy that was working on the road called out to me and showed me a Blue Honda Civic (just like my old car that I recently totaled) and proceeded to tell me how that car had wrecked, where I'm not entirely sure. Somewhere and somehow this car missed a bridge and landed on this rock next to the creek/river and it was a mangled up mess. Granted it wouldn't be a dream of mine if it didn't have something to do with water and bridges. Also probably just means another messed up dream to add to my books but either way I can relate to that hill in my dream cause it feels like either way I choose to go I won't make it. I think it's time to  quit this worrying cause that's just holding me back.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31

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