Monday, March 18, 2013

Winter Jam

I learned two things while at Winter Jam this year: 1) it just keeps getting better and 2) I can't handle staying in line all day and a concert that lasts 4 hours like I used to. We got in line for Winter Jam a little before 9:30 Saturday morning and by noon the line was already wrapping it's way around Rupp Arena. One would think that staying in line for about 8 hours waiting to get inside to set down for the concert would drag on forever, it sure drags on forever when I have to work, but the day went by really fast. Sadly, without fail there are always people that cut line after we spend forever waiting in line, I'll never understand that one. There was also a Comic-Con happening in the area that day so we got to see some people dressed up as various characters, which was pretty neat. There was one guy that was dressed up as Batman and looked like the real deal, some didn't have as good of luck. Anyway, we got in and found a decent seat and waited a little while longer for the show to start. In all there was 10 groups/artists and one speaker at the event, can't beat that for $10 at the door. The groups were: TobyMac, Red, Jamie Grace, Jason Castro, OBB, Capitol Kings, Royal Tailor, Matthew West, Newsong, Sidewalk Prophets and the speaker was Nick Hall. I've never seen Rupp so packed for a Winter Jam before, they said there was 17,000 people there. I believe it with seeing the crowd while trying to leave. Some of the groups I'd never heard but I can honestly say I enjoyed listening  to all of them. I was most excited to see Red and TobyMac and wasn't disappointed. Red had fire effects which is always exciting and all the groups had either a cool light effect and/or effects show up on screen. Unfortunately, the crowd was to much for me to handle to try go see if I could meet any of the artists. It was still such a great time getting to stand in line with great friends and hang out since our schedules don't allow us to spend a lot of time together and great to hear such amazing and uplifting songs for practically nothing. I was even able to get some decent pictures from where we were sitting at.

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