Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ramble is what I do best

Good grief, I have a bigger problem with Facebook than I thought. I think I could have less problem sticking with a diet than completely staying away from Facebook or at the very least not logging on as many times as I do.I've only been on Facebook one time since I said I was going to see how long I could stay away  but only to go to Valerie Harper's official page and leave a comment. I tried very hard not to even do that but I just couldn't help but feel like I at least needed to do that even though I'm sure she'll never read it or it'll mean anything that I did leave a comment. Speaking of Valerie Harper, did anyone else hear/read about the terrible news she received. I'm not even going to lie, I cried as I read the article on I've always admired her as an actress and absolutely love the character she has made infamous, Rhoda Morgenstern. I'm to young to have gotten to watch Mary Tyler Moore show and Rhoda when it first came out but thank God for reruns and DVD's so now I can watch any time I want. I remember the first times I watched Rhoda and thought OMG that is me! After recently reading Valerie's autobiography 'I, Rhoda' I have to say I admire her even more not only for her amazing acting talents but for what seems to be a genuinely sweet, strong person with a personality you always hope you have but wonder if it's portrayed that way. I truly try not to even say the word hate because it is such a strong word but I can honestly say I hate cancer. I've lost way to many family members to it and most recently a friend. Granted, I don't personally know Valerie Harper or anything it's still sad to read about someone you welcome in to your home on the television and for those thirty minutes or so you feel like you're right there with them going through things with them. After re-reading that, perhaps I take things to the extreme and really do need to get out more but hopefully I'm not the only one that does that to a certain degree and maybe I don't really take it to that extreme that I wrote but either way it's sad she's having to face this and I truly wish her the best and absolutely admire the fight she has and the outlook she is keeping with this horrible news.

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