Friday, March 15, 2013

Fall...Get back up...repeat

I heard a song this morning that I hadn't heard before and was wondering how come this was the first time I was hearing such a good song. Normally the story would end there but there was a line that really got to me and made so much sense, so much so I figured I'd write about it! Anyway, the song was Getting Back Up by Tracy Lawrence and the line was 'It's not the fall that's so hard, it's the getting back up.' That is so true, at least for me, and not only for the obvious physical falling down but falling away from someone's life or any kind of falling. First, I don't know about anyone else, but I am a self-described klutz that can trip on air. It's not hard at all for me to fall and when it happens I go down fast. However, once I'm down it takes me a lot longer to get back up because I'm recuperating from being startled by the actual fall, assessing just how much pain I really am in and am dreading getting back up (dreading to find out how many people saw what happened and I'm getting older and my back and knees don't help me get up as fast as they should). Then of course there is the falling away and not being in someone's life, which can happen because of innumerable reasons. This one can be easy or hard for the falling to happen depending on the scenario but either way the getting back up can be hard. Sometimes fate or whatever you want to call it sees fit that we don't get back up and have those people back in our lives but we get back up and go down another road and then there are times we have to get back up and work our way to have those people back in our lives. Unfortunately this one can take the longest to get over too. However you may find yourself falling in life always remember that getting back up may be the hardest part but never give up on getting back up because usually when we give up is when we're the closest to succeeding.

While I'm on this little rant I'd like to point out that this statement could even be changed to say that It's not lying that's hard, it's telling/believing the truth. I don't care who you are or what you say at one point or another you've told a lie, if it was nothing more than you saying you was alright when someone asked how you was doing and in reality you was so far from alright. Aside from these there are people that constantly lie and have to lie to themselves and others just so they can deal with what they've done and then some just get a thrill out of lying. In certain, and I dare see all, situations it could be easier to just tell a lie instead of the truth. However, once that lie is told then it inadvertently starts you down a road that you have to either keep up with the lies or stop it and admit the truth. The further you go down the road of lies the harder it is to get back and even remember the truth. The sad thing is not only in how easy it can be to tell lies but how easy it can be to believe them. I've never understood, and probably never will, how easy it is to believe a lie and most of the time it's not even questioned. However, you tell the truth and you got to do twenty questions, know the life history of everyone that ever lived and God only knows what else and if by some miracle you get past that stage you still get a look like the person is thinking I still don't believe you. I guess it's cause sometimes the lie is more closely related to what we really want to hear and/or believe and is easier to say then to admit the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts but I believe that old saying of the truth will sit you free, so I'll just stick with the truth, whether I like it or not.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it because it doesn't matter how many times you fall, but if you're willing to get back up....I wish I could log on to Facebook to share this one, I actually wrote something I think is worth sharing!

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