Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Never Blog When Bored

I got a few different things I've been thinking about so I figured I'll combine them into one blog. They are very random and have nothing in common, I just don't want to post a bunch of separate posts today, but then again this is how I seem to think with such random thoughts constantly going through my mind.

Anyway first get the serious one out of the way. I actually may have already written about this but don't think so. Have you ever thought about someone in your past that you haven't seen or talked to in a long time and wondered what they had been up to and would just like to see them? This happened to me a few weeks back. I had just thought of someone and wondered what they was up to but didn't really have a way to contact them. Funny thing is the night I saw them and where I ended up seeing them isn't where I intended to go in the first place but I kept putting it off stopping anywhere else, kind of like it was meant for me to be there at that time so I could see them. So went about my business and was getting ready to leave and this person walked in and we got to say hi and talk for a minute. On my way home it finally hit me, there really is a season for people to be in your life and there is a reason why some people don't stay even though we want them to. Even though I have dear friends and people I care about that aren't in my life or not in my life as much as I may want I realize it's for a reason. But I love it when things like that happen like thinking of someone and days or months later you suddenly get to see them. I like to think of it as one of those special presents just because, although there are some people I think about that I hope to God I don't see too!

Now the really weird one that explains why I get called weird so many times. Today I was listening to my Christmas station on Pandora and the song Santa Baby came on. I've heard this song countless times and rather like it. However, for some strange reason while listening to it today I thought, this song almost makes it sound like she's blackmailing Santa. She's asking for some seriously expensive stuff, so maybe she just got sucked into the commercializing of Christmas too. The idea of her blackmailing Santa though cracked me up. In parts of the song it almost feels like she should say something like 'Don't make me bring up the Christmas party last year, you know I still have those pictures!'  That's one of those things that I would crack myself up with and everyone else would be looking at me like I had lost my mind.

Speaking of losing my mind I guess it's time to head back to the Twilight Zone, or Twilo Zone as it was called in one of the many hilarious episodes of The Dick Van Dyke show. Sometimes I really do feel like I've crossed over into the fifth dimension never to be able to find my way out.

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