Monday, December 10, 2012


Scars can be physical or emotional but however you have gotten a scar, or more, you can be sure you will learn a lesson from it. I tend to be one of those people that learns lessons but doesn't always remember them. I am also more apt to not care if people see my physical scars because I wear those with honor and proof that I really am not exaggerating on how clumsy I am. Emotional scars are different though, a lot of times people don't want to share those with others as much and they hide them in various ways. It doesn't really seem like it should be that way though, it's like there is some kind of guilt that people have with emotional scars, even though most of the time the one carrying the scars has nothing at all to feel shame or guilt about. I understand the stories that go along with the emotional scars don't need and shouldn't be shared with everyone but they shouldn't be a wall or valley we use to keep us from being who we are and going where we should and/or want to go. Scars have the ability to make you better or bitter. I am the person I am today because of all my scars, physical and emotional, and I might not be all the way across the valley but I'm glad for all the scars cause it proves that I'm a strong person and I'll make it.  Besides the fact that this was one of my random thoughts while driving I don't really know why I felt like I should write this.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that we do not wear our emotional scars on the outside, for many of us would be covered from head to toe! I've shared your blog on Facebook...maybe you'll get an extra view or two :)
